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What classic games have a "ending"


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So, after I got my multicart I decided to play the game called "Seahorse" (I think that is what it was called)


I found the game interesting, as I had never played or even heard of it before. After dieing, a few times.... I became a pro. I played, and I played some more... I must have pluged away at the game for over an hour... same level over and over, it changed a little hear and there. (tunels worked, or didn't, and you got bigger smaller although I don't know why) But I just did not really get any harder... Ok, so let me get to the point. After a while, the novelty wore off... and I was just too good at the game, for well. my own good. I was became board. I could play, no more. I turned it off.


What was I thinking when I got board? "Does this have an ending?" The answer: I have no idea....


So, my question is... has anyone kept track of what games HAVE endings? One the comes to mind, is Choplifter... after you resque everyone... the game is over.


I guess it just boils down to how interesting/fun/challenging the game is... I for one often wondered if Pac-Man has an ending, but honestly... that is not what keeps me playing. I play it, because it's fun. It gets more difficult, and there is a sence of acomplishment... When you start getting into those "Key" levels... I feel like I am a bad ass... "how much farther can I get?" I think to myself... Can my Brother get a higher score?


Anyway... those are my thoughts. What are yours? and what games for the 8-bits do you know end?



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Jumpman Jr


Well kinda. After completing all the boards (was it 12 or 16?) you get a screen that says "Well Done" and then the boards repeat randomly. I guess it's an ending, but it really doesn't end.



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You cannot forget my two personal favorites: Ali-Baba and Return of Heracles!


Nothing beats a 16 player game of either of those two games. Get an 800, load up four joysticks (each stick rotates through 4 guys) and adventure away!


And yeah, they have endings :)



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Commercial games w/ endings in MY 8-bit collection:


Action Biker





Star Raiders 2

Pitfall 2

Dreadnaught Factor


James Bond 007

Fight Night

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Hello everyone, I am new and this is my first message. Excellent games with endings that I remember are:


Hitchikers guide to the galaxy (infocom text)

Castle Wolfenstien & Beyond Castle Wolf (shooter with stealth involved)

Blue Max (airplane shooter)

AutoDuel (Car game---you will probably need instructions)

Mule (greatest game ever made)

Return of Heracules (great rpg...2nd one I ever played behind dragonstomper on the atari 2600 with supercharger)

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One of the few games I managed to complete was the classic shooter Zybex. Several hours later after battling through about sixteen levels I was rewarded with a 'congratulations. game over' text message. Very frustrating (though, in retrospect, I guess most of the memory went into the level design and graphics, leaving no room for fireworks at the very end).

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Bruce Lee has an ending where bruce gets into a room full of gold and jumps up and down.


Aww... now you ruined it for me! I've been trying to beat that game for 8 years! :) Oh well, I still want to beat it!


Goonies has an ending as well (as long as we're on disk games).



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Shamus II


Necromancer - boy o boy was I dissapointed in the ending

Miner 2049'er


I'm sure there is more, but it's been a while.


Those multi-carts are very tempting. I'm tempted to get an XE game system and hook it up for my son. I stuck between getting original carts or just being cheap and using whatever that thing is that lets you hook up the computer to a IBM compat.

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heh... the question is... after you play again, and again... does it ever STOP?  Sure you reach and end, but how many times does it let you do it?


I am still wondering if Pac Man ends...




The arcade pacman does... it crashes when you reach lvl 256..

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Necromancer - boy o boy was I dissapointed in the ending


Haha, yeah... the instruction book made it out to be so much greater than it was.


The last level is near impossible and if by luck you actually complete it, all that happens is the background flashes the old atari rainbow colors and it goes to the title screen. wee.

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