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Altirra 3.10 released


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I'm not sure why people specifically ask for this type of useless divination. Sure, there's a chance we could see it at some point in the future.


I think he's simply asking if you're open to the idea. If you'd immediately been against the idea for whatever reason (for example because the user can already avail themselves of similar functionality using the emulator UI), you may have declined with an explanation or workaround (as you have sometimes done in the past when declining to implement features).

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I was experimenting with pokey lately, and I wonder .. is the analog part of the audio described somewhere ? The thing which kicks in when I use 'non-linear mixing'. It's clearly more than just non-linear mixing. There is some low-pass filter, and some capacitor discharge emulation. Maybe it's not 100% true, but it's closer than anything else.

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Dunno if this is in the latest but in 3.10 if you launch Altirra with a blank .ini file in the directory you get some weird screen clipping. By playing with resizng the window you can get the whole Atari screen to show most of the time but it really wants to only show the upper left quadrant. Does't happen without the blank.ini.

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Make sure you try the latest beta in this thread......I think there was some screen issues either changed or fixed.....If it still exists with the latest beta then check your settings, a reset of them sometimes help but make sure you have a backup of them..


If still an issue try and post a snap of the issue and maybe your ini if you run it as portable..

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yeah, 3.20 Test4 doesn't seem to have the problem.


Ah good, don't forget there's also 5.....As always said, the beta's are normally very stable, mostly its not fixes, its improvements on the beta's and number 5 has a great new drag and drop feature for easy mounting of disks...

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Could someone please explain why the attached program shows garbage when I enter Press and then Change setup?


It works on real hardware.


About that:




Wrote your image to a floppy disk and booted it on a 130XE + 1050 and got the same behavior as in the emulator. From what I'm seeing in the debugger, the program is corrupting the display list by loading the printer list on top of it.


What configuration is your phystical hardware?

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Nothing to do with emulation or U1MB. It's dependent upon whether internal BASIC is enabled. This program apparently knows to disable internal BASIC but not to move the display list. If the system is booted with BASIC disabled, the display list is at $A036 and the program stomps it with a load at $A000. If BASIC is enabled, the display list is at $8036 instead and the read to $A000 doesn't conflict (this read is valid as BASIC has been disabled).

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No luck reproducing it so far.


The one bug I can reproduce is the first time you launch Altirra, and you do Alt-D or click the dropdown menu, the main window loses focus, but the drive window does not appear. It only shows if you click the main window again, and then ALT-D a second time. Does it in both 3.10 and 3.20.

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Nothing to do with emulation or U1MB. It's dependent upon whether internal BASIC is enabled. This program apparently knows to disable internal BASIC but not to move the display list. If the system is booted with BASIC disabled, the display list is at $A036 and the program stomps it with a load at $A000. If BASIC is enabled, the display list is at $8036 instead and the read to $A000 doesn't conflict (this read is valid as BASIC has been disabled).

Yes, with Basic enabled it works!

In Altirra I disable Basic but on my real hardware obviously it is enabled.

I am sorry for the waste of time. Thank you Avery.

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Yes, with Basic enabled it works!

In Altirra I disable Basic but on my real hardware obviously it is enabled.

I am sorry for the waste of time. Thank you Avery.



That's it, you have been sent to the back of the class and you won't get a lollipop at lunchtime!!



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  • Fixed Disk Drives dialog being invisible the very first time it is displayed ever (before it has saved the last opened position).
  • Added options for controlling when debugger symbols and debugger scripts are auto-loaded for an image. The default is to defer symbol loading if the debugger is closed, auto-load symbols if the debugger is open, and ask to load debugger scripts.
  • Fixed Ctrl+Shift+A being set as the hold-on-reset key when canceling hold-on-reset.
  • Added emulation support for the APE Warp+ OS 32-in-1.
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I notice Lotharek has released a Stereo POKEY board with 'U-Switch' (digital/analog logic switching adapter) built in, so enabling and disabling the second POKEY via the U1MB M0 signal is now possible without any additional hardware whatsoever. Indeed, it seems the majority of U1MB owners (if they're aware of the available functionality) install U-Switch with older POKEY boards anyway, so the presence of software switching is quite prolific (even if not universal). Since the WB (latterly VB) signal used to control the VBXE base address is mandatorily implemented in Altirra when an emulated U1MB is also present (despite the fact we cannot guarantee that VBXE is connected to the VBXE base address signal in 100 per cent of real hardware cases), I wondered if second POKEY switching via M0 might also be implemented (0 = second POKEY off, 1 = second POKEY on).

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Anyone got a clean 32 in 1 rom dump....


Tried Omnimon and the usual jump in keys don't work and one is used by the 32 in 1 menu system.., also on Nezgars dump he has a test rom that just goes bonkers when activated..


Trying to get the pre 32 in 1 to rule out one thing but as the 21 in 1 is brand new it may or may not have been fully feature tested so far, at the speed Avery works, who knows :)



Sussed the Omnimon entry way...just hit reset and then hit select or option, can't hod them down straight away..


I take it the normal speed boot under APE+ OS is right until you press reset which then seems to activate the warp loader...I imagine its there for copy protected disks but as it needs a warp speed drive I can't tell if it disables warp speed ie happy off on its booting and then re-enables the Happy if reset is pressed?


Not really questions, just thinking out load virtually...


Seems not, Happy active from start so why not have warp by standard?..



Back to play

Edited by Mclaneinc
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Wow! How do you get these new features implemented so quickly (32-in-1)?!?


The hardware doesn't do much and I already had most of the pieces, particularly the system control support from Rapidus. What took the longest was emulating the weird-@*# serial port on PB7.


What's made this generally easier was the device framework I started a while ago, which separates the device emulation from the core through a set of services. It's nowhere near MAME levels of emulator tinkertoys that just plug together, but it's a good deal more modular than it used to be. Some of you might remember the older versions where every new device required sticking a new menu item into the already ginormous System menu octopus. The innards were like that, too. Now the problem is the firmware manager, it's starting to resemble some of the Atari junk piles you guys have posted pictures of....


I have been playing with the new Ape 32 -N-1 device, but it does not remember the previous ROM slot allocated and defaults to slot A..


There's no NVRAM hooked up right now. It'll persist when you do a cold start but not on a profile change or emulator restart. Simple enough to change that though, it's only one number to save.


Sussed the Omnimon entry way...just hit reset and then hit select or option, can't hod them down straight away..


I take it the normal speed boot under APE+ OS is right until you press reset which then seems to activate the warp loader...I imagine its there for copy protected disks but as it needs a warp speed drive I can't tell if it disables warp speed ie happy off on its booting and then re-enables the Happy if reset is pressed?


You actually have no time to hold Select, it has to be hit immediately at power-up. I'm not sure if the actual hardware gives you a grace period, but I have it set up in the emulator that it is sensed on the Reset, so you can't hit Reset and quickly mash Select unless you've got a power-up delay involved (in which case the computer is actually powering on later). Option you do have a small time to hit since its checked in software by the menu OS.


No idea on the APE+ OS features, never used it. At that point it should be the same as if you'd just set it as an alternate OS ROM, though.

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