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Bounty Bob Repros???

The Judge

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I am new to the Forums, though I have been following them lately and gaining tons of knowledge from Cafeman, Tempest, and all the other regulars that are providing history for the coolest system. I, too, am trying to complete my ultimate quest of having all the carts available for the 5200. I hear there are copies floating around of some of the rare ones :ponder: , but I keep hearing that Bounty Bob is uncopyable do to it being a 32k game. Are there other reasons, other than legalities, that keep the game from being uploaded to the 32k PCBs that are available? Again, I am new and this is just a something different to talk about other than the controllers ... ;)


P.S. Keep the new Homebrews a coming... I have bought original copies of eveyone so far... Awesome!

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I think someone had alread unsucessfully asked Big 5 Software if they

could make copies. Anyhow one of the old owners has a website so

it is possible to contact them and perhaps get legal permission to make

a new run.


However my opinion is that it will hurt the value of the original game.

Now that does not bother me since I don't have it but if you were a

certain megafan who bought one off ebay recently... :ponder:

then you might be choked. Part of its high price is due to its rare

and tons of fun. So the player-collectors want it not just the completists

who will pay dearly for rare games to finish a set no matter how

terrible the game.


If it was clearly made to look different than the original then I think

that would help preserve the originals value. But if legal permission

can be attained then any objections by collectors would be moot IMHO.


I hope a copy can be made in the next year. I'd love to have it :D



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However my opinion is that it will hurt the value of the original game.

Now that does not bother me since I don't have it but if you were a

certain megafan who bought one off ebay recently... :ponder:  

then you might be choked. Part of its high price is due to its rare

and tons of fun. So the player-collectors want it not just the completists

who will pay dearly for rare games to finish a set no matter how

terrible the game.


Being an owner of this game, I can say that making repros would not hurt the value and that this game and Meteorites are very good titles that the average collector would never be able to afford, but are worth playing. If someone could secure permission to reproduce BBSB carts, go for it. This game is too good to be kept out of the hands of true gamers.

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Bring on the Bounty Bob Repros!!! I'd love to play this game, but no way am I going to shell out $200+ to do it. Unfortunately, a sanctioned repro of this title is highly unlikely; here's an excerpt from an email I got from Charles Guinn (Voltman3) in response to an inquiry I made about the possibility of him making a repro for Bounty Bob (he's made other 5200 repro carts):


"Well, surprisingly enough you are not the only one who has asked for

a repro of BBSB. A couple friends and I have approached Mr. Bill Hogue,

about releasing a complete boxed Repro of his most wanted

game, but sadly- he has no desire to allow that at this time.


Hopefully, one day soon he will.

Until then we will comply with his wishes."


So, the $64,000 question is, how do we convince Mr. Hogue to give us hungry non-rich Atari 5200 fans what we want???

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Man, if I knew then what I know now, I would have bought all 12 copies of BBSB a couple of years ago. The local game store had them like %5 each. Of course, if there's lots of copies round here, that is useually a sighn it's a common or unpopular game. That must have been one of the exceptions.

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