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7800 doesn't recognize controllers correctly


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I have a 7800 that doesn't respond to 7800 controllers correctly, in 2600 mode controllers work fine, but 7800 action buttons don't respond unless the game supports 2600 controllers. The problem is not the controllers, they work fine on other systems. Both ports are effected. Anyone experience a problem like this before.

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Just so I understand...


a 2600 game any controllers work just fine and there are no issues.


a 7800 game, only the directional controls work and the neither of the two fire buttons work unless the game also happens to support 2600 controllers for a single fire button mode?


That is kinda a new one on me, but anything related to the controllers not working correctly, I always point to the TIA and RIOT since they each control different aspects. Fire button issues especially point to the TIA as that chip controls fire buttons and paddle control.


Speaking of..have you plugged in a set of paddles to see if they work?

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Yeah...I don't know what the hell it is with the 7800 architecture, but I honestly find more TIAs with issues on this console than I do on 2600s. My guess is that the TIAs were already NOS or just made with much poorer quality. They are also pretty susceptible to ESD from the controller ports as well and I believe this to be the main reason for why so many seem to have issues on 7800s. Glad you got it going again!

Edited by -^Cro§Bow^-
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Yeah...I don't know what the hell it is with the 7800 architecture, but I honestly find more TIAs with issues on this console than I do on 2600s. My guess is that the TIAs were already NOS or just made with much poorer quality. They are also pretty susceptible to ESD from the controller ports as well and I believe this to be the main reason for why so many seem to have issues on 7800s. Glad you got it going again!


Both my 7800's are fine, thank goodness, but I have four different 4-switch VCS/2600 variants (two Woodies, one Vader) and all three of them have had either bad RIOT chips and/or bad TIAs. None of them had the Zener diode mod recommended by the tech tip in the 2600 Field Service Manual. I strongly suspect it's due to static and the lack of sacrificial hex buffers in the circuit. I wouldn't doubt if the damaged 7800s you've found have suffered similarly.

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