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DoctorSpuds Reviews Things - Dig Dug (Atari)


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Who here remembers Dig Dug? All of you? Well that’s good because I WAS gonna talk about it today but instead of doing that I actually just kept playing the game, and by the time I realized I need to start writing the review I was out of time to write it. So, instead of putting it off a day I’m just going to tell you right now, if you don’t own Dig Dug on 2600 you NEED to get it right away, no joke I just spent three hours playing Dig Dug. I have tested the 2600, Intellivision, 7800, arcade via a plug-n-play, and Colecovision versions and the only one I wanted to keep playing was the 2600 version. Despite its graphical shortcomings the 2600 version was the only one I could fully enjoy. You can find copies all over the place in the wild, on Amazon and Ebay people are asking 10-15 dollars which, while a bit steep, is a fair price to pay for such an amazing game. I don’t even think this game needs a review, just go out there and play the damn game already!! I just spent three hours of my life playing this game, you should too.

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