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atari2600land's Blog - Commodore 64 - expensive.


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A few years ago, I bought a Commodore 64 at a used video game shop. Periodically I get it out and play with it and then it goes back in the garage. The first computer I ever used (when I was 3 or so), was Commodore 64. But sadness came the day Dad sold it because he bought me an NES.

Anyway, I want to get back into C64 collecting. But there's a problem: The prices of games. Why are Commodore 64 games so freaking expensive? Right now I have 5 games: Clowns, Frog Master, Omega Race, Radar Rat Race and Kindercomp. Even copies of these games run about $10 each or so. I had to spend about $20 to get 2 games I don't have. This is almost as expensive as the TurboGrafx 16.

I want to make a Commodore 64 game. I want to make a version of my Game Gear game about the flying hamburgers. I don't know how to start. I guess Hello World would be a good starting point. I must have the right tools to compile it since I am making Atari 2600 and Channel F games. But some sample code to put "Hello world" on the screen would be nice. And a way to test my game on a real Commodore 64. Is there a Commodore 64 Everdrive-y thing available?

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