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My XENOPHOBE Review is up!


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Hope you are all doing well!


Xenophobe was one of those games I really thought Atari did better than the NES. I was sad to find out that it didn't have an end boss like the Lynx version, but I still think this game holds up and is fun even today.


Thank all of you that have been supportive of my little project. My goal is to video review the entire 7800 library eventually including all the major home brew releases in the shop as well.



What do you all think of this one? I love the split screen co op, but hate that everyone is the Capt. Picard looking guy. No duck head guy? :(

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I'm mixed, but I was mixed on the arcade version too. As a conversion, it's arguably one of Atari's best. The graphics look sharper than the NES conversion. I do find it a bit repetitive and hate that it doesn't have an ending. And the sound isn't great, even by TIA standards.

Years ago, I had a house party where friends actually spent the whole night playing this and Ballblazer over everything else I had on my SMS and 7800. So it had its fans :-)


The XE one that wasn't formally released is pretty good too. Still has crappy sound and is less colorful than the 7800 version, though it scrolls quickly from screen to screen.

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Although falling short of being a top game for the system, it is still worthy of an honorable mention. No doubt, worth playing and owning for those with a 7800 console.


Individuals who dislike the Arcade original, certainly this port won't change their opinion of the game. Nonetheless, to this gamer it's a great game under the ProSystem, despite the lack of character variety.

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It seems I have haters? I've noticed my last two 7800 vids have gotten two down votes. One was as soon as the video posted!

They never say anything in the comments, so I guess it isn't anything I can improve. Meh.



Yeah Peter Gunn makes everything better! :)

Haters? Maybe people being stupid.

Agree or disagree with what games you like or do not like anyone with half a brain can see some effort went into your production of a review. So I do not understand the down votes.

I have not checked it out yet. But I will right now. Keep up the good work. Do em all. Homebrews etc. 7800 rules!!

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Haters? Maybe people being stupid.

Agree or disagree with what games you like or do not like anyone with half a brain can see some effort went into your production of a review. So I do not understand the down votes.

I have not checked it out yet. But I will right now. Keep up the good work. Do em all. Homebrews etc. 7800 rules!!



Thanks, I appreciate that. :) I know I can't get worked up over that stuff. It just freaked me out because I just hit publish and boom in under 2 seconds a down vote!


Just finished up Kung Fu Master. I think we need to look at the AA rarity guide. It's a 4, but I think it's more like a 7 now. Only 1 in recents on Ebay. Finished around 20, but there are none active right now.

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It seems I have haters? I've noticed my last two 7800 vids have gotten two down votes. One was as soon as the video posted!

They never say anything in the comments, so I guess it isn't anything I can improve. Meh.


People will always find reasons to dislike. It may be that they don't like Xenophobe or don't like the 7800 or don't like a font you chose for your title card or your voice reminds them of some guy they once had a fight with. You shouldn't let it discourage you at all, because you're doing a great job with these videos.

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