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Kung Fu Master... My review!


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Hope everyone is doing well. This is one of my all time favorites arcade titles. The one button control setup really kills this for me. Still decent, but why do so many games ignore the second button?



Programmers, how hard would it be to remap punches and kicks in this game? I think this game would greatly benefit from using both buttons.


What do you guys think of this one? I remember picking this up in a cheap bin at Kay Bee Toys back in the day, or maybe it was Big Lots... it all blurs together.

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Nice review, as always. I agree that the game isn't anything to write home about. It's definitely a tough game to track down. You mentioned you've seen it go for $20? It typically goes for a lot more than that, in my experience. $40-50 cart-only, $100+ for CIB. The last sale on eBay was a few days ago, cart + manual for $70. It was one of the last games I tracked down as part of my complete 7800 collection. The box is probably the coolest thing about this game! Cheers.

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Yeah, I do think this game needs to have its rarity updated in the AA database. It is getting to be super scarce!

Thanks for the compliments guys! I love doing these because it MAKES me play games in my collection that otherwise I'd never play (Jinks) and games like Kung Fu and Super Huey really take me back. That said, I'm really excited to be doing reviews for Froggie (just ordered it) and another new 7800 game very soon. It really is a great time to be a retro fan and Atari 7800 in particular!

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You mentioned you've seen it go for $20? It typically goes for a lot more than that, in my experience. $40-50 cart-only, $100+ for CIB. The last sale on eBay was a few days ago, cart + manual for $70.


Yeah, I can't remember the last time I saw a copy of the 7800 port sell in the $20-range. My loose copy was $30-$35 IIRC, and that was a few years ago; the price has only gone up since then. (IMO that out-of-date rarity guide rating of 4 is more like a 6 nowadays. Maybe even a 7?)


Anyway, I'm a total sucker for the various versions of Kung-Fu Master. As such, the 7800 version rates higher with me than it might someone else. Honestly, I really like it a lot!


That's not to say it doesn't have problems though. It's basically the 2600 version with a fresh coat of paint; it plays and sounds pretty much the same, with only the graphical upgrade to really differentiate it. (I can't remember, do the enemies attack exactly the same in both?) Some of the things the 2600 version could get away with, such as the one-button configuration and enemies merely disappearing when defeated, are inexcusable on the 7800. Why couldn't the bad guys dropping off the screen proper be implemented? And as for the button issue, I can only guess (and that's all this is, a guess) that it was to allow players to use a more-comfortable alternate controller. I'd rather they have used both buttons.


The sound is fine, and the backgrounds are pretty nice (waaaay nicer than the blank backdrops of the NES version), though the sprites are a little lacking. It's a fun game, I definitely enjoy it, but it's just those few areas where it's lacking. I'm not sure a port of Kung-Fu Master was going to turn many heads in 1989, but it still feels like something of a missed opportunity to me.

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Question for our local programmers:

How hard would it be to remap punch and kick to separate buttons? Kung Fu always seemed a game that could be greatly improved with a little love. Like the sad little tree from Charlie Brown Christmas. :)

Perhaps somebody like Kevin or TJ already has?

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I actually discovered this game on the C64 and later played the arcade version. Its not that I particularly LIKE the C64 version, but every other one seems a bit off. I'd rather have my nostalgic memories or arcade perfection. I don't seem to have much patience for any of the other versions.

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Good review!


A+ on the production.


C on the game (for no ending).



I'm not a big fan of this genre of games but thought the review was spot-on. As always, great job!


Thanks everyone. :) I'm digging into my collection for what to play this week. I have Super Huey scheduled to post tomorrow. I have Froggie and Jr. Pac ordered from AA and another surprise should be in this week. Just deciding what to play while I wait for those to come in.

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