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Mega ST 4 Received today, pictures of inside


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I finally got my Mega ST 4 , and it has something weird in it ie: TOS, Peters drivers say that the Tos is not supported but my Ultra Satan boots up ok, but for some reason there might be a loose connection in it , it powers down with the Monitor Master hooked up, then restarts.... apparently it has a Viking 9 pin board in it.....pictures below:






Is this card causing the reboot?




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From what I remember, that appears to be a Viking Moniterm graphics board - meant to drive a Viking 19 inch B&W monitor at 1280 x 960 resolution. The monitor connects thru the 9 pin adapter and the power supply in the monitor helps power the board. The missing chip in the center of the board is concerning. Unless you received the Viking monitor with the computer, I recommend removing the Viking board from the computer.

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She looks nice and clean though - may it serve you well! :)

It works really good now that I replaced the power supply board on it, was a 220 volt board but the roms are US roms go figure eh? Will have a NetUsbee for it soon, will it work with USB zip drives (I have the hard drive software), anyone got it to work properly with a small hard drive?

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  • 1 month later...

I now have my Ultra Satan , and my Net USBEE cartridge I will do a video of the PC transfering files to the ST with UIPTOOL43.TOS

On myMega ST4 with the ICD AdSpeed 16 Mhz Booster , speed is lightning fast, also I have rogers Ignite Internet (150 MbPS)..



Thanks in advance. I haven't had a chance to play with the UIPTOOL yet and will be looking forward to seeing how it works.


Just out of curiosity.... maybe I missed a memo... .but what is the Rogers Ignite Internet?

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