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Technical question about adding new music to existing Atari 7800 games


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Hello Atari community,


Like many of you here, I enjoy many of the originally produced or enhanced games available for the 7800 such as "Crystal Quest", "Rikki&Vikki", "Donkey Kong PK", the KevinMos3 sprite & color hack of "Double Dragon", etc....


My question is - if these sorts of creations and modifications are possible, would it be possible to create a version of an existing title and add in-game music (or even alter/enhance sound fx)? I would imagine adding music may be the easier of the two, but I honestly have no idea how any of this is done, I just sincerely appreciate the wizardry that these artists are able to pull off!


The gaming experience of a few titles in particular would be greatly enhanced by this sort of upgrade. Plutos and Dark Chambers (both lacking any sort of in-game music) are two that come to mind immediately.


Very curious to hear the possibilities....

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Possible but no probable is about the most accurate answer unless you are programming them yourself.


Thanks for your reply! Can you help me to understand what makes it not probable? If the modifications such as the examples I listed are possible, what makes this more difficult?


I would be willing to pay a fair amount for such a task if someone was able to do it...

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Thanks for your reply! Can you help me to understand what makes it not probable? If the modifications such as the examples I listed are possible, what makes this more difficult?


I would be willing to pay a fair amount for such a task if someone was able to do it...


Timing in the programming comes to mind. Also adding code is not as easy as just putting something more on top of what is already there. The games you see that have had new sound added to them are no small undertaking. You need to have (or make) a proper disassembly of the game program for starters and then the real work begins which most of which is above my pay grade. As for paying someone to do so? If you have a lot of money I'm sure you can find someone to do what you want. Be aware that quality programmers are not cheap and the man hours to do something like I think you are suggesting will come out to a hefty sum of cash. These same people program in the real world for $50 to $100 an hour (some might for a little less, some want and get more) so you have to make it worth there while as otherwise it's a pay cut they will not take. They will not be interested in the game, they will be interested in the pay as that is what they do for a living. If it was something they wanted for themselves they would do it for themselves if you follow me. Things you see from others are labors of love.

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