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Anyone heard from Cupcakus?


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That's not what I would call honesty, that's just plain arrogance.


Actually I think that hits the nail on the head nicely; thank you. You Thomas, I perceive as honest. Manuel on the other hand, I perceive as arrogant. Before this goes any further afield (and it's my own fault for bringing it here instead of leaving it in the CGF where it started) I'd like to leave it at that.


I have learned, that many people prefer to assume any bad intentions before any good ones. It really makes you wonder why. Because they assume everybody acts like they would? Or because they have learned most people act in such a negative way? :ponder:


I think it's hard for anybody to perceive good intentions from calling something crap. I used to think Manuel had good intentions, especially when he started working on such an excellent homebrew arcade port (which I admit I still plan to buy). Now I think he looks down his nose at anybody who can't program as well as he does, which makes me think twice about ever even attempting to make a game of my own despite Andrew Davie's excellent tutorials. I don't want to spend hundreds of hours working on something just to be told it's "crap."

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...which makes me think twice about ever even attempting to make a game of my own despite Andrew Davie's excellent tutorials.  I don't want to spend hundreds of hours working on something just to be told it's "crap."


No matter how accomplished you become, no matter how much of your blood, sweat and tears you pour into developing a 2600 game (or anything else, for that matter), there will always be those waiting in line to tell you "it's crap." Obviously, if it's an artistic endeavor of your own creation and you're proud of it enough to share it with the world, then you don't think it's crap. That really is all that matters.


Learn to program a game for the 2600 and do it because you want to. That is reason and accomplishment enough. The VCS is so impossibly difficult to work with, your first functional game will seem as miraculous to you as the birth of a new child. The people who will look down their nose at your game, your labor of love, are the same people who would speak right up and tell you your baby is ugly. What value would you place on an opinion like that? Those people are certainly out there, and they always will be. And you'd be submitting to their reign of terror if you allowed their petty opinions to dictate your actions.


Live life for yourself. Dance like nobody's looking. And grant the ugly-baby callers of this world all the attention they deserve.




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Sh*t! See what happens when you get less than 6 hours of sleep?

No, that's what you get when you are using a confusing unordered date format. :D




Seriously, I've been staying up late and watching not only Dave, but Conan as well (I usually only watch Dave), which isn't a good idea since I've got to get up early until next friday. Guess the even numbers of the months just threw me.

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You Thomas, I perceive as honest.  Manuel on the other hand, I perceive as arrogant.

Since I know Manuel a little better than you I can assure you that he isn't arrogant at all. At least not more than I am. :-)


Now I think he looks down his nose at anybody who can't program as well as he does...

You missed the important point:

Daniel can program much better than that (s. Mrs. Space Fury etc.!). He is talented.


When you know somebody can do much better, then IMO he should get some critique for doing something way below his standards. Maybe that also helps to encourage him to do his best again.


And I (and Manuel as I know him) would never call the work of a newbie or somebody who is still trying to improve "crap". Never!


Ok, now I am finished with that discussion too.

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I'm gonna program a piece of shit game for y'all. If there's anyone who doesn't care what he makes is called crap, it's ME :D


It's all a state of mind, if you got your shit together then that kind of b.s. doesn't matter ;)

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Hi there!


Now I think he looks down his nose at anybody who can't program as well as he does, which makes me think twice about ever even attempting to make a game of my own despite Andrew Davie's excellent tutorials.


All I said was from the players point of view. Right now I couldn't programm "Hello World" on a Coleco, even if my life would depend on it. Hope that helps.




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All I said was from the players point of view. Right now I couldn't programm "Hello World" on a Coleco, even if my life would depend on it. Hope that helps.





:thumbsup: That sounds better than anything I read in the original thread. Thomas may be right that I misjudged you. :)

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I think Chris is just busy with his new job ...

I guess there are more important thnings in life

than a flash cart, though I think not many :-)


I sent Chris an email several days ago, but have not yet heard a response. I hope to hear something soon, I'd really like to see Kablamo! released someday since it was relatively close to completion. :)



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  • 4 months later...
Speaking of flash-cards, what happened to DaVinci ?




Hey everyone, sorry about leaving you dry like that. Da Vinci got done. I have pictures of my beta, but the 1 finished model I made went to the guy that contracted the project. It turned out nice, its had surface mount components and fit in a cart case. The feature set was reduced, mainly the removal of all cart dumping functions.


I never ended up selling it because it didnt make sense; the markets too small and the product is expensive to have made in small quantities; too many other great things to work on that make do money. Not that money is my only motivation, but I gotta eat.


Here is a link to the alpha and beta versions, this is a yahoo photo album link, so if people hammer it, it will possibly get shut down. If anyone is interested they could mirror the pictures, please.




I would be willing to release hardware and software as open source. I figure that if real engineers had a head start they might be able to do great things with a nice product. I just dont want to do a web site, I hate doing web sites. I would need a few weeks to find stuff after all this time. And of course time to document my completely self documenting code. I may have a slow couple of weeks ahead, but no promises.

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Hey Kroko, let me see what I can get together. Sorry, no VHDL, I was just a new babe to CPLD, I didnt know VHDL; I only have logic schematics, they should be just as good though.


The design changed a lot since I talked to you last. I changed the CPLD to only load the bankswitching module necessary for the game being played, then load another if necessary for the next game. This made timing problems almost all but disappear, I ended up using a smaller CPLD which costs less, and makes it a ton easier to add new bankswitching schemes when they come along. The down side, if a new bankswitch module needs to be loaded with a game, it takes a couple extra seconds, no big deal really. The other down side is a 10,000 erase and program endurance limit, also possibly no big deal because that is a lot of uses and they are cheap to replace if there is a problem. I made mine PLCC so you could snap in a new one if there where problems.


I also changed over to a USB connection for serial instead of the DB9 connector. The serial USB chip I used was great and drivers are available for all platforms, Linux, Mac, Windows. But the best part is that USB supplies power, no need for a power cable when loading games via serial.


Anyway, sorry to run on, let me get some stuff together,



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Hi Vern !


Schematics would be great, because I have never figured out how the exact timing of FE bankswitching works. In general I think I got the idea behind this bs scheme, but i never got it to run on my cpld. I guess it was the timing problem. I didn't really understand when exactly is the jump adress on the bus and when do i have to monitor which lines both on JSR and RTS. The theory is quite clear now, but I obviously missed one important detail to really make it run.


If I see the schematic of a working FE-Bank-Switching I would probably understand what I have done wrong.


I also had a look at this FT245BM USB chip. I think it will be a question of space. Maybe I will use it if it needs less space than my sub-d connector together with max232+capacitors :-)


But i won't go on with this until I either have access to an multy channel digital scope to monitor the bus or I can get some other hope to get FE switching to run some happy day ...



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