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Cuttle Cart II Update


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Hello everyone,


Here's a quick update to on the CC2, as a followup to the postings that occurred in the Self-Loading Supercharger thread (http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=24788). I figured this was a more appropriate forum.


Anyway, the faster chip did nothing to solve the High Score cart problems, but I've come up with a completely different way of working around the problem. It's worked on all of my 7800s, and my beta tester's 7800 that had HSC problems. Since I know what causes the problem, I'm fairly confident in my work around, much more so than I would have been by simply using a faster chip.


I've also implemented all of the changes required to eliminate the display "dots" problem. (And having found a 7800 that has the HSC problem, "dots" was a very mild term. I didn't know it looked so lousy for my poor tester. :( Anyway, all fixed now.)


So right now things are looking very good, although I still want to give it some time for further testing.


This means I'll probably actually have to get around to writing a manual.



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I think we're getting reasonably close. I am currently thinking I like the idea of a very limited initial release for testing purposes though.


I'm pretty sure both of my beta testers would advise that I go forward at this point, although I haven't asked explicitly.



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I'm pretty sure both of my beta testers would advise that I go forward at this point, although I haven't asked explicitly.


:? For the record.... I've practically begged Chad to release this work of art. As far as I can tell it is ready to go.


I've tested the CCII on every known 2600 bin I could get my grubby hands on. They all work (except Pitfall II -- which has aditional hardware, a patented chip in it). Everything from Pac-Man, Video Life, Save Mary etc.. right up to the recent releases of Pleiades and Funky Fish all work and play fine. I have tested and played the CCII so much that I wore the power switch on my 7800. I had to replace it 2 nights ago.


I am in the process of packing all my carts away in their orginal boxes as I will not be playing them anymore once Chad releases this ultimate Atari cartridge.


Once Chad makes preorders availble, I wouldn't hesitate to put your order in. As neat as the original Cuttle Cart is, this one is even better. I doubt that a small pool of beta testers will encounter any problems. This is indicative of Chads overwhelming caution to put make certain his product works flawlessly. It is a wise decision on Chad's part to thoroughly test his product. His other products are damn good as you all know.


Unbiased beta tester :)


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:? For the record.... I've practically begged Chad to release this work of art. As far as I can tell it is ready to go.  


Hi Lee,


To clear up your quizzical emoticon, I do know that you've given it the green light, it's the other beta tester that I haven't really discussed it with.


And yes, I'm rather cautious as I really try to provide high quality products. But there's so many little quirks with the various Atari consoles that I'm finding it almost impossible to put out a "perfect" product. There's always some stupid little quirk that pops up somewhere. The more of those I can eliminate the better.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
It's been pretty quiet lately about CCII. I hope I haven't missed anything! I can't wait to order mine.


I recently talked with Chad. He is still plugging along. The beta testers have not all paid yet. A somewhat disapointing showing. I am among the folks that Chad has not recieved payent from :sad: For what ever reason my check didn't arrive. However, I think Chad is in the process of getting the beta boards assembled and ready to ship. All you beta testers, get your payment in ASAP. I'd like to see this wonderful product come to market.

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It's been pretty quiet lately about CCII.  I hope I haven't missed anything!  I can't wait to order mine.


The CC2 is still in progress, but was delayed about one month while I recovered and reorganized from a move.


I haven't posted any updates as recent developments haven't been all that exciting. The beta carts are being assembled, the labels are being tweaked, and a manual and software are being written.


The earliest prototype cart was on display at the NWCGE booth at CGE, but otherwise nothing public or exciting has really happened.



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I'm really kinda torn, on one hand, I'd like to get this, but if I did, I wouldn't be able to pick up snk vs capcom for the neo geo, which would suck alot.


Blast, you decisions.


Those Neo Geo games will still be around 6 months from now - The CC2 prob will be sold out and prob much more expensive than now - Look at the original CC...........

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