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Got some troubles with gotek on my Atari Stfm

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Hi, I recently got a Gotek replacement for my Atari, and everything looked alright: I found some good tutorial on this very forum and I managed to figure how to configure the whole stuff. The problem is, there are many games that don't work but look allright on Hatari (yup, I downloaded the emulator to be extra sure that the files were not corrupted) such as Crystal Castles or Arctic Moves, that result in a row of bombs on the real hardware and the urge to reboot the computer. Now I searched for good version of those .st files, hoping to get some better ones because, you know, maybe some cracktro were the reason behind the problem, but so far I had bad luck. I usd both HxC and FlashFloppy but the result is the same. Do you know if there is some known problem with some games/programs in gotek? Maybe a list with compatibility issues? As I side note, I desperately tried to run North Star (yeah I know, bad tastes...) but I never managed to run STX files, so I converted it in a .hfe file, though it remains frozen in the loading screen; do you know if a .st versione exists? Thank you in avance.

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Lot of games work not on specific TOS versions. So, you need to test game with same settings in emulator as your real HW is. And even RAM size matters. Some cracks may need 1MB even if original works with 512 KB too. And most stupid: some games work with 512 KB RAM, but fail with 1MB or more.

Forget STX files and Gotek. And don't try to convert. That will not work in 99% cases because of copy protection.

Looked for North Star at http://www.planetemu.net/roms/atari-st-games-st?page=N

But no there. May be in some Automation menu disk. Use google, their homesite always change, and I will not link sites : " known to wipe out whole Windows partitions without any sort of recovery!!! "


You may try this if have 1 MB RAM and can copy files to floppy image for Atari/Gotek/HxC : http://atari.8bitchip.info/SCRSH/northsta.html


Edited by ParanoidLittleMan
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