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Data Age record?


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I just recently aquired this Data Age record with an Encounter at L-5 game MIB for $20. The guy I bought it from said it was a give-away at the store when you bought any Data Age game. Does anyone know if this is true? Was this a good deal or are these pretty common? I've never seen one but that doesn't mean alot. :D


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That is the kind of stuff I like to buy!! I have almost all the Atari lp records, but I did not know that Data Age had one too. Now something else to ad to my list of things to look out for.


Very nice buy!!!!!!!!!


:!: :) 8)

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I'm going to stray slightly off topic here--

So how many of those LP Atari records are there?

I've got the record for Asteroids&Missile Command (MC came with booklet.)Are these records listed here at Atari Age?

....and yes the Data Age record is cool,and I've missed picking one up several times off of e(vil)-bay.

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Seems to me that record was in one of the magazines of the time.  Electronic Games maybe?


I don't remember it being included in any magazines, and I got most of them. I'll guarantee it wasn't in EG, since I got every issue of that mag no matter what, and it probably wasn't in Electronic Fun or Video Games either, as I could find those regularly too.


Most likely would be Joystik, but I wouldn't bet on it. You might just be thinking of the ads which showed the record pretty clearly IIRC?

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I'm sure that the ad did run in Electronic Games sometime in the Fall of 1982. My copies are mostly lost so I'm just going on memeory here, but I'm sure that thay ran a full page ad.


Video Games was my favorite mag of the time, few remember that one.

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Most likely would be Joystik, but I wouldn't bet on it.


No I dont think it was Joystik. I had the record. But never collected Joystik. I honestly cant remember where I got my copy. But its possible they were handing them out in stores.

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Most likely would be Joystik, but I wouldn't bet on it.


No I dont think it was Joystik. I had the record. But never collected Joystik. I honestly cant remember where I got my copy. But its possible they were handing them out in stores.


That's possible. I'm about 98% certain they weren't ever included inside of magazines, unless the mag was not a videogame mag.


Me, I got mine by mailing Data Age and asking for it; I never saw it in stores around where I lived.

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Seems to me that record was in one of the magazines of the time. Electronic Games maybe?


Hmm.... I had this record, and I don't remember getting it with a Data Age cartridge. I am not sure, but it may have been a freebie at the store that sold Data Age cartridges. The only Data Age cartridge I bought was BUGS

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