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Gotek questions for a 520STfm

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Tutorials and guides seem to be a bit scattered on the web so I figured I would just ask here. I am contemplating getting a Gotek drive for my 520ST fm but have a few questions before getting started. Are specific Gotek models recommended? Is it a simple plug-and-play swap, or is there other modding or soldering required? Thanks!

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I don't think the Gotek model matters, since you'll be flashing new firmware to it. I think I bought the cheapest one I saw on Amazon (or maybe it was eBay).


The only soldering I did was to add pin headers to the Gotek board. I think you can get by without soldering in the pin headers, but it's easy to add them if you've soldered anything before.


You can use a cheap programmer to flash the new firmware. I actually got several, so if you need one, I can send one your way.

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Awesome, thanks for the info! I did see a video that mentioned adding the headers, but then another one that didn't touch on it at all, so I wasn't sure if it was required. I don't mind trying to solder but if I can avoid it and be OK, then all the better.


I was unaware about having to flash new firmware so I'll look further into that. I don't have a programmer so I may end up reaching out, thanks!

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