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Does anyone know what the real story behind the XC-11 was? I assume it was going to be the XE version of the 1010, but I was told it was never released (although the XC-12 was released in Europe).


The reason I ask is because I actually have one of these in the box (no instructions though). Now I know it's not a prototype as some sites say, but I was curious as to where it was released, how many were made, and why it even exists (since the XC-12 was the same thing)?



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I have an XC-11 and an XC12 -- they are completely different units in every way physically and functionally and the XC12 is terrible in comparison to the XC-11.


When I worked in retail we had XC-11 units for sale for about 8 months in the UK, then no data recorders for ages, and then the XC-12 appeared.


I always assumed that it was a manufacturer change that led to the XC-12 designation. And as to why the number change, well that made sense to me as no parts would be compatible, so rather than guess which version you have (like the 1010 which was a pain in the ass) you have a renaming that made it easier for everyone...



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they are completely different units in every way physically and functionally and the XC12 is terrible in comparison to the XC-11


How are they funcitonally different? I always thought that tape recorders were tape recorders... :)



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From what I recall the story was the XC11 was destined for the USA (and Canada) market. There were always going to be 2 units.


Due to low (comparatively speaking) disk drive prices stateside compared to Europe etc Atari decided demand wouldn't be strong enough to warrant continued production so they started selling the stock in Europe.


The XC11 stocks dried up before the XC12 was ready in large numbers.


To me the XC11 looks like old technology (late seventies style cassette recorder?!) but as Jack mentioned it has the SIO pass through and it looks like a more solid and reliable beast.


Personally I prefer the 1010, never had a problem with them, not even the pause button.

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Personally I prefer the 1010, never had a problem with them, not even the pause button.


Personally, I prefer not using tape! ;)


I think the best tape drive ever was the original Japanese 410 (in a larger audio player case w/ pull-out handle). I had a couple at one time (one had an external power source, and one had an AC cord) and they worked great after all these years. The Hong Kong 410 was utter garbage.



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