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Adding more RAM to a Mega STE?

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Hi there,


I have a Mega STE with a full 4mb in it and a Nova video card, but I'd really, really like to throw more RAM into the machine so it makes for a better multi-tasking system.


Any ideas on how I'd go about this?


I have a Marpet 8mb card in my Mega ST, so there's got to be something like that for a Mega STE.



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Right at this exact moment?? no.. nothing to add memory without HACKING.. to get TT expanded ram in the Mega STe. That is also what I am waiting to do.  We have been working on different things.. some people are working on an accellator that will have memory on it.. but its a pure DIY.. they are not going to build it.  Others have stopped production.  Nothing at the moment.



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18 hours ago, Bikerbob said:

Right at this exact moment?? no.. nothing to add memory without HACKING.. to get TT expanded ram in the Mega STe. That is also what I am waiting to do.  We have been working on different things.. some people are working on an accellator that will have memory on it.. but its a pure DIY.. they are not going to build it.  Others have stopped production.  Nothing at the moment.



I do see the schematics for the Magnum boards online, maybe I could try and do a layout of those. I'm totally an amateur with KiCad or EAGLE.

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There are a couple of boards that are slow in the works. I have some words that a group might be working on a memory board for the megaSTE. The fellow that does the MonSTer boards says he will do a batch in the future.. when .. not sure.. and there is also an accellerator board being developed that would up it to an 020 and allow full allowed memory on the MegaSTE.

Just have to have patience.. which I have difficulty with.. lol




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