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Better Graphics!?!?!?!

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Any chance we can hear a sample of the music? ;)


The code's going through a real metal test and then i'm adding a few slight modifications - release should be very soon now...

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Okay, a slightly loaded question; how accurate is Atari800Win's palette compared to the real deal...?


Pretty close, but things always look different on a video monitor vs. VGA. You just don't get that same intensity.


Okay, so if something appears right on 800Win it's a good bet that the real deal will be fairly close to perfect too right?


I'd say yes. I run my stuff on a real XL to select colors, because sometimes certain shades look sharper next to each other than others. This can be important in a small area like a multi-color sprite. For the most part, though, rely on the emulator and you can always tweak later. If I had a PAL XL, I'd loan it to ya!


Any chance we can hear a sample of the music? ;)




Firstly - nice work, TMR!


If it's any help, I found the closest colour settings for AtariWinPlus 3.1 to my UK PAL Atari 130XE (but unfortunately running on a crappy old TV) was the "real" palette which has to be selected as an external palette.

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Any chance we can hear a sample of the music? ;)


The code's going through a real metal test and then i'm adding a few slight modifications - release should be very soon now...


Don't rush to much....


I prefer quality - not quantity :)


Someone told me not to rush once, and I didn't get back to work for 8 weeks! :P



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Don't rush to much....


I prefer quality - not quantity :)


Don't worry, i'm not rushing - i won't release something i'm not totally happy with. i'm putting an intro out soon, Heaven's seen a preview of it it's been upgraded since then...

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TMR... i assume you did all "by hand"? or did you rewrite your c64 tool for that?


The image conversion was done by editing the base picture with DPaint IV AGA on an A1200 '030, then i ripped one bitplane, split it into two $0f00 byte chunks with a C64 emulator and removed the PRG headers. All colouring was done by hand.

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looks good so far... i got my real 800xl & 130xe back from the tombs of my old flat and now i can setup tomorrow a sio2pc cable with laptop to test, TMR... sorry that it took so long but i forgot how complicated sometimes even simple things can be... :)


so i can test it on two machines... keep you updated...



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is there anyplace online I can get schematics for the SIO2PC cable and some idiot-friendly instructions (Again - another C64 escapee here :ponder: ) on what to use for transfers?


I have an atari 800XL, but I think my drive is well and truely buggered, I've lost the SIO cables and after reading this thread i'm beginning to think that going native to watch things is the only way to go for now...


*edit* I'm being a complete and total tit aren't I? There's another thread further down the page explaining this thing? Doh...

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I'm being a complete and total tit aren't I? There's another thread further down the page explaining this thing? Doh...


No comment, absolutely no comment... Just a lot of sniggering from the back... =-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it is possible to create an atari game with graphics in TIP-mode. There is a trick to show TIP graphics in textmode 0 with 64 colors. You could add Flickering/interlace if wanted. I made a little Turbobasic program that shows TIP in gr.0


Just boot the ATR. Load "turbobas.sys" and load "gtia64.tbb"




Another thing: I don't know if it's already discovered, but I think I found an Antic-bug which occurs when you change the HSCROL addres $D404 while ANTIC does a HBLANK. Try my program "hscroll1.tbb" (on the same atr) to see. It seems that you could create a 80 column textmode. Watch the weird Player-DMA on the right. It shows that Antic-timing is messed up. It reads characterdata in the time that it should read PM data, and it even reads displaylist-data in the time that it should read characterdata. See what happens when you fill the screen with text (type "list" for example) and then type "goto 300" to scroll a bit. Weird isn't it??

(you should off course run the program on a real machine :D )




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Another thing: I don't know if it's already discovered, but I think I found an Antic-bug which occurs when you change the HSCROL addres $D404 while ANTIC does a HBLANK.


I ran into this myself. I'm working on a game that does some real-time fudging of HSCROL, and i discovered that during certain HBLANK cycles, you can really confuse Antic. I haven't tried to do anything useful with it, though.



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that reminds me doing weird things in '91 with vscrol...


try to update vscrol several times a scanline... i could remember that this effects the position in that desired line...




dli pha

sta wsync

lda #3

sta vscrol



lda #7

sta vscrol





if i am not completly wrong you can see a difference on screen...



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if i am not completly wrong you can see a difference on screen...


I tried different DLI routines based on this idea, but nothing happens?!




I have some digicam pic's of the antic hscroll bug from my real atari screen.


In 2.jpg you can see the weird Player DMA which shows a piece of character $7F.


In 3.jpg you can see off course normal gr.0 lines, but in the upper part you could, if you look hard enough, read "10 graphics 0:.." where it seems that the fonts are overlapping a few pixels.


In 4.jpg you can see text with a different custom made font that's 4 * 8 pixels per character, and it helps to see that it's a kind of 80 column mode, in which antic reads about 48 screendata bytes.


5.jpg is just a global view, but no details are visible (I only have a 300*200 cam).


I have made another version of hscroll1.tbb. It should be loaded with:


run "d:hscroll2.bat"




in this version the custom 4*8 font is used, with high contrast setcolors.




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