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Better Graphics!?!?!?!

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weird stuff...


i'll double check on real hardware and try to proove my memories... i know that i played around with vscrol... but maybe it was done with a DLI

not horizontal but vertical...


what happens if we do this?


assuming a gr.6 char line




lda #3

sta wsync

sta vscrol

lda #1

sta wsync

sta vscrol

lda #5

sta wsync

sta vscrol






will check that...



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if you use a vscrol lookup table like this














and put this in vscrol via dli every scanline why should it than not be possible to engage an fx like in super turrican on snes ("sahara" effect?" in level 1 the background) like kind if wobbling... :D should be possible if you scroll through a desired lookup table...




ps. today i moved my flat... and found original discs / cassetes of druid, arkanoid, tapper, goonies, spindizzy, boulder dash, guild of thieves (big box with all goodies like diary, etc...) am i not lucky? and i found my all time fave on vic 20...submarine commander module!!!

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I still don't get any interesting results, when using your method. Are you sure you aren't mistaken with Hscrol?


It seems to me that antic only updates vscrol when reading a dlist-opcode. I think antic reads the vscrol register only once every graphics line to compute internaly the offset adress for characterset data, and doesn't change it anymore.

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via hardware connection?


Yes, with a copper wire.


you can see black areas where Antic halts the 6502, and lighter areas where not.


you can see vertical black bands (at PM positions 48, 56, 64, 72 and 80)where refresh takes place.


When you connect the Address0 line to LUM2 of GTIA you even see the refresh address counting.


(poke 559,0: se. 4,0,4)

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as i've been setup my original 130xe (no fake emu... ;)) i am experiementing with kernel routines and repositioning of players... just for my stupid understanding... in a rasterline... do i have to position players "in fron of the rasterbeam" or "behind" to make multiplexed sprites?



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as i've been setup my original 130xe (no fake emu... ;)) i am experiementing with kernel routines and repositioning of players... just for my stupid understanding... in a rasterline... do i have to position players "in fron of the rasterbeam" or "behind" to make multiplexed sprites?




You have to switch the Playerposition when the Raster-Beam has drawn the first position already...

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all i need is a kind of wire cable and connect the pins?


Yes, you don't need to solder, just making electric contact between the pins.


I'll make some weird pics this weekend (have some exams now, doh).



do i have to position players "in fron of the rasterbeam" or "behind" to make multiplexed sprites?


I assume you mean the electron beam of the television/monitor.

If you mean before (in time) by 'in front of' then you must off course make sure to reposition PM in front of the beam (**and after the old position, like Emkay said**). You only have to keep in mind how to change the PM-data. You must reserve CPU time to change them. A simple change of the PMBASE address will not work, because Antic updates the pmdata only once per scanline. There is no problem if you keep the data unchanged.


When writing to WSYNC, CPU waits till the end of graphics (PM-position 48+160=208) when the electron beam draws at position 208 (cycle 104) you have 10 cycles left before hblank. On the new line are about 16 cycles left (24 (=48 colorclocks)- 4 refresh, -4 PM data fetch DMA etc.) till the next graphics has to be displayed.


Just keep in mind that the refresh cycles are stolen from the CPU when the electron beam is on the left part of the screen. On the right part you simply have more processor time.


I even think GTIA is retarded one or two colorclocks compared to antic. Gtia first waits for data on the Antic-bus (the 3 wires that are used for communication from Antic to Gtia), then it displays the graphics. In GTIA-modes it must receive data two times (two consecutive colorclocks) to be able to display 16 different colors or lums. That's why GTIA mode screens have such a weird ratio (4:1).


The antic bus commands:


000 backgroundcolor

001 hblank signal

010 start graphics with gr.0/8 type

011 start graphics with other graphics type

100 playfield color 0 or gr.0/8 bitpattern or GTIA-mode 9/10/11 bitpattern (first or last bitpair)

101 playfield color 1 or gr.0/8 bitpattern or GTIA-mode 9/10/11 bitpattern (first or last bitpair)

110 playfield color 2 or gr.0/8 bitpattern or GTIA-mode 9/10/11 bitpattern (first or last bitpair)

111 playfield color 3 or gr.0/8 bitpattern or GTIA-mode 9/10/11 bitpattern (first or last bitpair)




I'm also experimenting with the TIP effect to reduce the amount of blank (gr. 11) lines.


GTIA (like antic) seems to have a line-buffer to store color information. That's why the next scanline (in TIP, when changing the GPRIOR register to produce the GTIA-bug) contains the same colors as the previous scanline. Well, why should it not be possible to do this more than one time:


1 scanline gr.11 for color information

7 scanlines antic E for lum information in 160 pixels wide resolution.

1 scanline gr.11 for color information

7 scanlines antic E for lum information in 160 pixels wide resolution.

1 scanline gr.11 for color information

7 scanlines antic E for lum information in 160 pixels wide resolution.

etc. etc. ....


(7 is just arbitrary. It should be possible to repeat it any number of times)


Then the screen layout will be more like a C64: You can choose colors in the first line (like in the attribute cells in color-RAM on the C64) and show some beautiful graphics in the other 7 lines.


There must be a way.




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ok... i switchted to simple color changes... please have a close look to these screenshots...


why are the 1st half of the bars bigger size than the 2nd half???


i have attachted the ATR & the source as well...


maybe some of you can sent down wisdom... :D




* written by Heaven/TQA


* assembled with XASM / XBOOT


* heaven_tqa @ hotmail.com

* 11/08/03

gractl  equ	53277

graphp0 equ	$d00d  

sizep0	equ	53256

hposp0	equ	53248

colbk0	equ	$d01a

dliv	equ	512

dlistv	equ	560

vbiv	equ	546

nmien	equ	$d40e

wsync	equ	$d40a

org	$4000

start	jsr	pminit

jsr	wait_vbl

mva	#0	559;switch off screen dma (screen off)

mwa	#dli	dliv;set new DLI 

mwa	#dlist	dlistv;custom new display list

mwa	#vbl	vbiv;custom VBL

mva	#$c0	nmien;enable DLI + VBL

mva	#34	559;normal screen width

loop	jmp  loop

color_cycle	inc	pos0+1	;color cycle 

inc	pos1+1

inc	pos1+1+5

inc	pos1+1+2*5

inc	pos1+1+3*5

inc	pos1+1+4*5

inc  pos1+1+5*5

inc	pos1+1+6*5

inc	pos1+1+7*5

inc	pos1+1+8*5

inc	pos1+1+9*5

inc	pos1+1+10*5

inc	pos1+1+11*5

inc	pos1+1+12*5


vbl	lda	53279	;start pressed?

cmp	#6

beq	vbl_end	;if pressed skip moving

jsr	color_cycle;simple color cylce

vbl_end	jmp	$e45f	;back into OS routine

wait_vbl mva	#1	540;will be decremented by OS every VBL

wait0	lda  540

bne	wait0


pminit	mvx	#0	hposp0;move player0 into overscan (non visible)

mva	#15	704;white color

mva	#0	623;prior #1

mva	#$ff	graphp0;write directly into GTIA register


* allign dli on page boundary

org	$5000

* 114 cycles per rasterline...

dli	pha



ldx	#192	;192 scanline kernel

kernel	sta	wsync	;sync with rasterbeam

stx	colbk0

nop  ; 2

nop  ; 2

nop  ; 2

nop  ; 2

pos0	mva	#48	colbk0; 5 cycle

pos1	mva	#60	colbk0; +5 = 28

mva	#72	colbk0; +5 = 33

mva	#84	colbk0; +5 = 38

mva	#96	colbk0; +5 = 43

mva	#108	colbk0; +5 = 48

mva	#120	colbk0; +5 = 53

mva	#132	colbk0; +5 = 58

mva	#144	colbk0 ; +5 = 63

mva	#156	colbk0; +5 = 68

mva	#168	colbk0; +5 = 73

mva	#180	colbk0; +5 = 78

mva	#192	colbk0; +5 = 83

mva	#204	colbk0; +5 = 88

dex  ; +2 = 90

bne	kernel	; +6 = 96





dlist	dta  b($70,$70,$c0,$41)

dta	a(dlist)

org	$2e0

dta	a(start)



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Well, repositioning PM by counting back cpu cycles could be tricky, because not on every scanline the same amount of cycles are stolen. Antic DL opcodes with bit 6 turned on steal 2 more cycles. Players steal 4 cycles, the missiles another cycle, every scanline only in hiresolution PM mode.

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@ brye


thanks for reposting... so my stripes are just non distorted because i don't use any bckgrnd gfx mode weather antic 2,4,e,f or whatever...


i have 2 other atari 800xls lying around and i will definitly try the "hardware debug mode" out... :) hoping not to freeze up one of the babies... ;) (bit i wait for the picture where to connect the pins) maybe this gives me more understanding & insight into the gfx hardware....




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I'm looking at the GTIA data, and it would appear to me that there is no buffer in GTIA, but rather Antic contains a buffer for repeated-line modes and for storing a line's worth of characters. The reason I think this is because on the ANx lines, there is no way to signal GTIA to "repeat last line." I'm guessing Antic just sends it again.


Does anyone know what happens if you mess with the playfield width in mid-line?



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what time is in florida? do atari guys never sleep??? ;)


i downloaded yesterday the "confidential" 50 page atari doc about POKEY including all schematics, etc... is there any other on the net about antic/gtia? i just found (i guess on dan's site) the link to the patent docs... but this is out of the way i even understand one bit of it... ;)


the pokey doc contains even signal stuff... if there's one for antic... this could help you guys (to me this means nothing as i am totally non hardware guy)



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@ emkay


it seems your MCS style gets more complicated than expected... ;)

now we are dealing with "1st half" "2nd half" screen...  :?  



1. This is one point, the Charmode is absolutely necessary...

2. This is why PM multiplexing is a must



BTW: Did you remember TMR writing, that the C64 has 65 Cycles in a standard line and on the Dirty-line (DMA-Line) it has 40 cycles less?

This is similar to the ANTIC Charmode, but with ~34 cycles left in the DMA line and ~114 cycles left on a standard line....


And then think about, that the ATARI can do ~115 cycles, when C64 is doing 65 cycles...

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