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Swordquest Prizes On EBAY!!!?


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Quite honestly though - the Tramiels don't care about the legacy of Atari or any history involved with it.  They care about it as a footnote in their financial/corporate history, or in the case of Sam - in his accomplishments while at Atari Corp.  But anything beyond that - the fact that they don't care can really shows a lack of desire to hide anything as well.


That may be true, but they are pretty damn cool looking prizes and the sword would look mighty impressive hanging above your mantel, regardless of its origins. Next time a group of former Atari employees is invited to Jack's house, someone needs to take a camera. :)



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Quite honestly though - the Tramiels don't care about the legacy of Atari or any history involved with it.  They care about it as a footnote in their financial/corporate history, or in the case of Sam - in his accomplishments while at Atari Corp.  But anything beyond that - the fact that they don't care can really shows a lack of desire to hide anything as well.


That may be true, but they are pretty damn cool looking prizes and the sword would look mighty impressive hanging above your mantel, regardless of its origins. Next time a group of former Atari employees is invited to Jack's house, someone needs to take a camera. :)




Very true, plenty of good spy camera equipment out there. And I think the sword would look cool hanging anywhere.


By the way, I know where your forum icon (the building) came from - by damned if that doesn't look a lot like the main building (Wilson Hall) at Fermilab in Illinois.



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By the way, I know where your forum icon (the building) came from - by damned if that doesn't look a lot like the main building (Wilson Hall) at Fermilab in Illinois.


Cool looking building! My guess is that for the Atari Force comics they simply designed a building based around the Atari logo, and that there are bound to be *some* buildings in the real world that somewhat resemble it. Maybe it just needs a coat of red paint. ;)



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I can confirm of multiple people being shown the prizes at a get together at Jack Tramiels house 6 years ago.


But how many? I've always wondered what happened with Waterworld, since my brother and I were in -- but didn't pass -- the first tier of winners; I've always wondered if the tiebreaker winners got anything. I know there was a lawsuit, and had heard they all got paid off with money instead of prizes, but never heard for sure... So, does Jack have just the Airworld prize and the final sword, or does he have the Waterworld prize too?

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Tramiel has his paws around the remaining three.


I'd like to get conformation of that. Has anyone actually seen the treasures in his possession or is this just one of those urban legends? If he really does have them, you'd think that he would have melted them down or sold them off by now. Something tells me that Atari history doesn't mean much to him.




Hi Matt,


Yes, a friend of mine, Hans Martin is close friends with Jack and he saw at his home the SwordQuest Sword on Jacks mantle and also what he believed might've been the Knowledge stone, but he wasn't 100% sure on that, just the sword.





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There you go! Curt states he knows of at least one individual who has seen at least the Sword proudly displayed on Jack's mantel. The other treasures can't be that far behind.


Someone mentioned how the value of the gold etc in them has actually decreased in value since they were made in 84. HELLO!!!...These pieces are worth a helluva lot more than they were in 84. Not in troy value...but in historical value above all else. You can't sit there and tell me that if a person had the money and that if Jack suddenly decided to sell the sword that someone somewhere wouldn't cough up the bucks just to have it themselves?! I know that even if I had a million bucks to blow..and jack suddently stated he would let the sword go for a million bucks..I would be one of the first in line for it. However, I haven't a million or anywhere near that...so It will be a very long wait for me.


But to sit there and state "Oh the sword isn't worth what it was in 84..." is just ridiculous. We all know that sword is worth well more than the $50,000 it was supposed to represent back in 84.


I still stand by and state the frickin things should be in a museum and not in the hands of a private collector. A collector whom really didn't give a rats ass care in the world about the Atari legacy and name or the industry it started and in addition could just sell it to a Hard drive company in the end...ugh.


Off my soap box...





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There you go!  Curt states he knows of at least one individual who has seen at least the Sword proudly displayed on Jack's mantel.  The other treasures can't be that far behind.  


Off my soap box...






Well if Curt can now confirm a 3rd party sighting it must be true :)

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Well if Curt can now confirm a 3rd party sighting it must be true


Curt has alot of credibility around here, unlike some other people... :|




Why not spit out exactly what your trying to say Tempest?



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Someone mentioned how the value of the gold etc in them has actually decreased in value since they were made in 84.  HELLO!!!...These pieces are worth a helluva lot more than they were in 84.  Not in troy value...but in historical value above all else.  You can't sit there and tell me that if a person had the money and that if Jack suddenly decided to sell the sword that someone somewhere wouldn't cough up the bucks just to have it themselves?!  I know that even if I had a million bucks to blow..and jack suddently stated he would let the sword go for a million bucks..I would be one of the first in line for it.  However, I haven't a million or anywhere near that...so It will be a very long wait for me.  


But to sit there and state "Oh the sword isn't worth what it was in 84..." is just ridiculous.  We all know that sword is worth well more than the $50,000 it was supposed to represent back in 84.  


That someone was me. But I also made it rather clear in the same post that, because of its history and mystique, I thought the sword was worth far more today than its weight in gold. So... HELLO!!! right back atcha. ;)


I threw out a figure of $1/4 million. In retrospect, I'm thinking maybe that was a little too high. Then again, you never can be sure how much a one-of-a-kind item can go for if two or more well heeled collectors get into a drooling match. But a million dollars?! Sheesh!


Maybe if the sword came with J.T.'s severed head...




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Why not spit out exactly what your trying to say Tempest?


My my aren't we being a bit defensive? Got a guilty conscious or something?




I was defensive, really?


What the hell would I have a guilty conscious for Tempest? I'll give you an oppertunity to explain yourself before I blast you with both barrels. Sounds to me like you were fed a line of shit by one of your new cronies.




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What the hell would I have a guilty conscious for Tempest? I'll give you an oppertunity to explain yourself before I blast you with both barrels. Sounds to me like you were fed a line of shit by one of your new cronies.


Please, enough of this crap. Do you have to attack Curt every chance you get and derail thread after thread?



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Where did I attack Curt?


You have taken several opportunities to take jabs at Curt in our forums here and frankly I'm getting tired of it. We all know you hate Curt, we don't need to be reminded about it every chance you get.


So if your not kissing his ass as the Atari God your attacking him? Get real Albert and AA moderators.


How about if you don't have anything nice to say about someone you talk to them privately rather than airing dirty laundry in a public forum? These messages are not contributing in a positive way to discussions, if you want a flame war with Curt go look for it elsewhere.



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By the way, I know where your forum icon (the building) came from - by damned if that doesn't look a lot like the main building (Wilson Hall) at Fermilab in Illinois.


Cool looking building! My guess is that for the Atari Force comics they simply designed a building based around the Atari logo, and that there are bound to be *some* buildings in the real world that somewhat resemble it. Maybe it just needs a coat of red paint. ;)


I wonder if The Company Formerly Known As Infogrames would design a new building in the shape of the Atari logo? LOL

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Maybe if the sword came with J.T.'s severed head...





For some STRANGE reason it wouldn't suprise me in the least if I saw on the news that an Atari collector had broken into Tramiel's house, stolen the sword, and beheaded him with it.

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Maybe if the sword came with J.T.'s severed head...





For some STRANGE reason it wouldn't suprise me in the least if I saw on the news that an Atari collector had broken into Tramiel's house, stolen the sword, and beheaded him with it.

why are people uttering death threats to Jack Trammel. I know he ruined atari but that is no reason to kill him. alright i do wish for him to have bad luck for the rest of his life but i don't want him dead untill he has to die.

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why are people uttering death threats to Jack Trammel. I know he ruined atari but that is no reason to kill him. alright i do wish for him to have bad luck for the rest of his life but i don't want him dead untill he has to die.



No, no. You've got me all wrong. I wasn't uttering a death threat at all. I was merely speculating on how the value of the sword might be enhanced if it were responsible for the death of Jack Tramiel. It would be so satisfying an irony if the man who symbolically decapitated the empire he once led should suffer the same fate -- especially if his demise came from the ghost of Atari itself, the holy grail Grand Prize of Swordquest!


He who lives by the purloined sword dies by the sword. It is the stuff of which legends are made.



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I still stand by and state the frickin things should be in a museum and not in the hands of a private collector.  A collector whom really didn't give a rats ass care in the world about the Atari legacy and name or the industry it started and in addition could just sell it to a Hard drive company in the end...ugh.


Off my soap box...






A museum? You really live in your own little world. ;) I doubt any of the general populace even knows what the Swordquest competition was let alone remember it. Take the even smaller percentage that know the details about it and the prizes "dissapearing", and whittle that down to those that even care. I doubt there'd be a museum that would even begin to care about housing something from the Franklin mint, fine purveyor of collector plates and dolls soon to appear at a Goodwill near you.


Tom: "Hey John, where are we setting up the swordquest exhibit?"


John: "In between Mesopotamian artifacts, and the Tutankhamen exhibit. I can't believe we actually aquired this, it's got to be the rarest in our collection."


Tom: "Wasn't it just created for some competition for a video game company about 20 years ago?"


John: "Yes, but out of the 10 people in the expidition party we sent to the Tramiel house only one made it out alive. And he was mumbling something about a curse. Something about Jack Tramiel threatening to market him as his next video game console. And we all know what a quick but horrible death that would have been....."

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I doubt there'd be a museum that would even begin to care about housing... <>


You doubt there'd be a museum that cared because you're not thinking it through. Obviously the Swordquest prizes wouldn't turn up in the Smithsonian or any museum dedicated to cultural or anthropological artifacts. But the prizes would make a prime exhibit in an Atari Museum.




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