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The Start of Something???

Idea Revolutions

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Okay, I know its been a while since I've posted anything, and most of you people that joined within the last year or so probably don't know me, but I have a question to ask. This is a rather important question and could determine quite a few things my 'company' will do. I have gotten a few new 'workers'(I know I'm bound to hear about this). Anyway, why I asked the question will be explained later on either late Sunday, or early Monday. So, after much adeiu, the question: How much does it normally cost, including duplicating, packaging, printing, and everything else, How much does it cost to make a 2600 Homebrew game?????

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*Grabs the seat behind Inky, snider-man, and Han*


Am I too late?  What'd I miss?


*stares at screen*


Oh, nothing much .... Slow start... but it's starting now.... Got any popcorn?

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Shoot. Thomas answered it seriously. So, I guess I will too.


He's on the barrel head. Between $5 and $10 each if you have someone else make them up. Let's say you wanted to make 10 carts.


1. You get 10 crappy carts of any style (Combat anyone?) rip them open and throw away the inner guts. If you paid a buck apiece, you've spent $10.

2. You'll need new circuit boards and a hex inverter. AA sells em pre-assembled for $5 each, so there's $60 so far.

3. How's about the EPROM? Gonna need that part as well as having it burned with your image. Chip is about $1 or so and I'd probably float the guy burning them a buck each for the effort. So, let's just round it to $2 each, so there's $80 total. (I'm assuming you can solder them onto the PCB and place them in the cases.)

And we really haven't touched on labels, instructions, boxes, etc. So, we have a total of $8 for each one of these.


Now, if you want to go the cheap route:

1. Same as above, but the PCBs must be salvagable. You'll need Pac-Man or Space Invaders or carts of a particular PCB "pattern." Older stuff like Combat or 2K games won't work.

2. This time, strip out the PBC and GENTLY remove the old ROM chip.

3. You'll still need to have the EPROMs burned, so price is same there. Plus, you now have to buy the hex inverters individually. Those are pretty cheap though - 50 cents each.

4. Take the PCB, the EPROM, the hex inverter, and a soldering gun (as well as about 10 inches of wiring) and assemble this octopus by hand.

This method, you'll spend about $4 each, but you'll be disassembling and reassembling each and every one of these . Better have a solder remover, soldering gun, solder, flux, wire clippers, etc. Plus expereince on what you're doing.


There ya go. You could also just ask the AA gang to do all this for ya. But, unless they're gonna sell it in the store, there will be a per-cart charge for the manufaturing that would probably be very close to the numbers above.



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Oooh boy, I expected this. It's amusing that nobody will ever take me seriously. Thank you for some people who did. So, $5-$10?? Including programming the game, and everything? And that's per cartridge? Chaper than I thought, if that's what it covers. Aucutally, I'm not trying to make any major hype, I get back from vacation then and the other guys are too stupid to know whats going on anyway. They mainly are in charge of..... well, other stuff. Hey, uh, one person(too lazy to look up name) said they were interested in my newsletter. I have a newsletter? I could make one and that would be the news. Well anyway, the people that took it seriously, I just want conformation on that. And I'm still going to post the reason why when I get back, after the other guys give me the way-to-go. Nice to see I'm still a laughing stock. And just to amuse you even further, BOOM.

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Oooh boy, I expected this. It's amusing that nobody will ever take me seriously. Thank you for some people who did.


I want to hear more! What awesome idea are you working on? Who's going to be programming the game? Will your mom drive you to CGE next year to show it off?


the other guys are too stupid to know whats going on anyway. They mainly are in charge of..... well, other stuff.


This sounds like a very well-planned and well-run company. Do you have a cool logo yet? You should draw one up in study hall.

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