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The Start of Something???

Idea Revolutions

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Ok, lets clear this up.  Earlier when I said the guys are too stupid too know what's going on, I meant to know what's going on in the aucutal Atari world, or what I say on the posts, stuff like that.  And no, I meant that we aucutally have a ATARI 2600 splash screen.  But its on another computer and that just lost its connection so we're going to have to transfer the file and..... ugh.  We can do it, we know how, we're just having trouble.  And apparently I have WAY too much free time, right?  Look who is talking.  Some guy that likes to poke fun at every thing I say to try to get a laugh(?) to try to look big(?)  to just come across as a moron(?)  You know, I could poke fun ast everybody else and not offer them any constructive critism and just be the jerk, but I have better things to do.  Maybe that or I have too much time on my hands(?).  But my Atari Exclusive E-Bay idea, we CAN DO THIS, but we need to know if people think it would be good.  So, post away.   This is my last post until I get back, and since we discovered prices and stuff, the announcment probably won't happen.  But we'll be back Late Sunday/Early Monday.  So until then....




Al, can you give these guys a regular column/forum on AA? I'd pay good money to read this sort of stuff regularly. Cheers me right up, it does! Keep it coming, Idea Revolutions gang. More!

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Ok, lets clear this up.  Earlier when I said the guys are too stupid too know what's going on, I meant to know what's going on in the aucutal Atari world, or what I say on the posts, stuff like that.  And no, I meant that we aucutally have a ATARI 2600 splash screen.  But its on another computer and that just lost its connection so we're going to have to transfer the file and..... ugh.  We can do it, we know how, we're just having trouble.  And apparently I have WAY too much free time, right?  Look who is talking.  Some guy that likes to poke fun at every thing I say to try to get a laugh(?) to try to look big(?)  to just come across as a moron(?)  You know, I could poke fun ast everybody else and not offer them any constructive critism and just be the jerk, but I have better things to do.  Maybe that or I have too much time on my hands(?).  But my Atari Exclusive E-Bay idea, we CAN DO THIS, but we need to know if people think it would be good.  So, post away.   This is my last post until I get back, and since we discovered prices and stuff, the announcment probably won't happen.  But we'll be back Late Sunday/Early Monday.  So until then....


Just so you know, considering past threads and posts you've made ("I Give Up" ring a bell?), we are naturally skeptical. Getting defensive considering your past antics is not at all condusive to convincing anyone of your intent/ability.


"Proof is in the pudding" as they say. We look forward to seeing something concrete. If you're serious, go ahead and make us eat crow. We await your announcement with baited breath. (Though, I'm not holding mine. Breath, that is.)

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"Proof is in the pudding" as they say. We look forward to seeing something concrete. If you're serious, go ahead and make us eat crow. We await your announcement with baited breath. (Though, I'm not holding mine. Breath, that is.)


I'm waiting with a baited crow. Does that count?


Come on, give 'em a break! I'm just itching for that announcement due Sunday/Monday. Can I reserve my ticket now?

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I'm sorry guys, but I think AA has just been trolled. I fail to understand how this guy could really take himself seriously, let alone expecting any of us to. It's not that I'm itching on the chance to rip into him, because I've felt before that people were a little harsh with him. However, after his latest round of posts, I seriously don't think that anyone could say any of that with a straight face. There's a difference between being completely ignorant and being a complete troll, and I'm pretty confident that he's the latter. I must admit, though, that he does a pretty good spoof. I see he's been studying up on Dark Knight Games (longtime Jag fans will know who I'm talking about). Keep at it, IR, and you might even start fooling people!

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"Proof is in the pudding" as they say. We look forward to seeing something concrete. If you're serious, go ahead and make us eat crow. We await your announcement with baited breath. (Though, I'm not holding mine. Breath, that is.)


I'm waiting with a baited crow. Does that count?


Come on, give 'em a break! I'm just itching for that announcement due Sunday/Monday. Can I reserve my ticket now?


I'm waiting with a baited hook. Gone fishin'

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And no, I meant that we aucutally have a ATARI 2600 splash screen.  But its on another computer and that just lost its connection so we're going to have to transfer the file and..... ugh.  We can do it, we know how, we're just having trouble.

Ok, I'll try to take you serious once more (BTW: do I look stupid already? :ponder:).


So you have created a 2600 splash screen program? Great! :thumbsup:

And it's on another computer that "lost its connection"? Do you know what a floppy disk is :?:


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You'd have to be dumber than IR paints himself to be to continue finding entertainment value in his posts. I go out of my way to give the benefit of the doubt, but I've held my tongue long enough. There can be no doubt that what we have here is a bored child with absolutely no business sense, talent for programming or the slightest inkling about the intricate workings of the Atari 2600 whatsoever. The only talent he possesses is an ability to present an idea with just enough coherrency and himself just enough of a jackass to string along dozens of genuinely knowledgeable Atari experts and waste their valuable time for weeks on end.


The sorry thing I find here is not that a child has come online to play. It's that most of the participants of this thread are smart enough to know what's going on, have said as much, yet they continue to encourage the idiocy. If you are united in your disdain for trolls, why in the world do you continue to feed this one? Yeah. He's so stupid, he's good for a laugh. And you're all good for a laugh to him, except he receives them at a ratio of 10 to 1 -- enough to keep him in stitches through the dog days of summer, until he has to return to the drudgery of schoolwork.


He has exposed himself for the troll that he is 10 times over. Why the admins haven't euthanized this thread long ago, or how anyone over the age of 13 can still find Junior amusing is a complete mystery to me.




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Well, Ben, I just find trolls amusing, and I like to string them along.

It's funny to see them dig themselves in a hole.


You seem to be too serious about everything the last couple months...

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Since nobody has answered your question, allow me.

But my Atari Exclusive E-Bay idea, we CAN DO THIS, but we need to know if people think it would be good.

No, not good. Yahoo couldn't even do it.


Are you guys in a Future Businessmen type of organization? They should have something like that at your school. You might even get some funding, plus they could help you decide what ideas are crap before you post them here.

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Godzilla, are you one of those people at the movies that sits and loudly explains every joke?


nah, i usually^ dont make a peep*. I like my theatre experience to be pure.


*unless im bitchin at a peep who is makin a peep

^ very occassionally a movie is SO bad/or cheesy-good/bad that I feel compelled to make a MST3K running commentary in hopes of improving the film. Ironically, Godzilla 2000 was the last movie to evoke this response.


#and that really wasn't much of an explanation, more of a tease/hint that in itself would only be gotten by people who already got it. which was kind of the point...


~explitive not related to anything.

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When I hear that IR has a splashscreen of their game, I do not believe this is a binary. It is like what others stated, merely a pen/pencil drawing of a logo...not a program in the least.


When I looked at the test program the scrolls HELLO, that thing is way over my head...I don't think I'd ever be able to make an Atari 2600 program that spelled out my name even.


It kinda irritates me when IR makes it seem ever so easy to program the Atari 2600. I've read through the first ten pages of Stella Programmers Guide at least 5 times...each time my brain feels like it is melting with all that jargon about scanlines, overscanlines, clock counts, horizontal/vertical synchs. To make a program just say hello, you have to understand the number of cycles, and create something like an animation of colors...like putting a color in on each cycle (like Pitfall was created). I don't think IR has done this, since there is no mention of the workings of programming. I've never heard them once talk about anything in the programming world. Not even a peep about registers, nothing.


So these guys merely have an idea, and nothing more, definitely no binary.


Hmm, wonder how long it would take to hack the hello program to get my name.


Perhaps a real clever programmer could make a "template" program for assisting with creating a real program. Like they have a program called "game maker" that is like a GUI that assists with game creation.

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I feel no shame in this. Sometimes a board needs a troll to joust with. The challenge for trolls such as this one is to come off as just believeable enough to get some people convinced that their intentions are true. These people are great fun when they are too dumb to keep it together. IR can't keep the same story for two posts in a row, the incompetency is hilarious.

Come on: they can program a 2600 screen but can't figure out how to put it on a floppy. That's classic.


Guys like IR act like a lightning rod for everyone else's sacrcasm and comtempt. Better that it be directed here than all over the other threads. Again, notice that since this popped up the other threads have returned to civility (wait, spoke to soon more firworks are appearing over the horizon). People like IR should make us appreciate the other real members all the more. This thread will die out in another few days, then 2 weeks later a new one will replace it. The cycle of internet life.

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