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Making NTSC versions of the Bitcorp games ...


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I have about 50 boxed copies of each Bitcorp game except Mr.Postman.


The idea is to make NTSC versions of these PAL games and offer them at classic events in the US or Canada.


I have :


Bobby geht heim (Bobby is going home)

Mission 3000

Phantom Panzer (Phantom Tank)

Schnecke gegen Eichhoernchen (Snail vs Squirrel)

See Monster (Sea Monster)

Sesam oeffne dich (Open Sesame)

Tanzende Teller (Dancing Plates)

Weltraum Tunnel (Space Tunnel)


These games have German and English instructions.


Some of the games are quite good and Open Sesame is one of the games with digitized speech.


All the games are 4K only , so we would need a 4K PCB with the NTSC version of the games if it already exists.

The carts are "Activision"-style carts , easy to open , most PCBs should fit.


It would also be nice to have better labels - these versions have only text labels (name of the game in English and German written on the label).


So i´d need someone who can make PCBs for me and someone who can create labels like the old Bitcorp games had /labels that look like the picture on the box.


And someone who could offer the game on classic events.


BTW : I also have some other PAL - only games :


About 20 Acid Drop

about 25 Fatal Run

about 100 My Golf


where it would be nice to create an NTSC version.




picture of the games :



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I think 4 games are released as NTSC version:


Weltraum-Tunnel = Cosmic Corridor (Zimag)

Tanzende Teller = Dishaster (Zimag)

Sesam öffne dich! = I Want My Mommy (Zimag)

Phantom-Panzer = Tanks But No Tanks (Zimag)


They look like the NTSC versions. But I think, that I want my mommy has no voice. :?

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NTSC versions of the Bit games were released in Canada, AFAIK, so no conversions are needed ;)


I have two Bit Corp NTSC 'sample' carts, Bobby is Going Home and Mission 3,000 AD.




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And why didn't you tell us before I made the effort to conververt them?  :ponder:


Well, you can't have an eye on every message...



Correct, sometimes life is as simple as that...




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