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cuttle cart for 8-bit's possible?


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Perform a search in Google on IDE2CF and you should find something - I have this setup with MyIDE - However, you are a bit limited with 16 meg partitions - You can copy all the .exe versions on games there - There is an 'image' load capability for .atr's - however I havent had much luck with this.


I have a 130XE with Internal MyIDE and IDE2CF with 256meg card. Im in the process of setting up my partitions and copying the EXE's over.


You are also limited to SparatDOS or MyDos which has issues with some games.

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A friend has a MyIDE with CF card, and is very cool, games loads very fast. These memory uses +5v for power, you can get this voltage directly in your Atari.


But some contras are, an apropiate menu to run a lot of games, more support for this device.



So your saying I would have to solder a wire from my Atari to the myide interface?

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So your saying I would have to solder a wire from my Atari to the myide interface?




I think there may be a IDE2CF converter that takes the power from the IDE cable. I am waiting on mine so I can not confirm if they work or not. I have seen some of the converters that have a jumper that was selectable from a 3.5" floppy power connector or the bus. It would not be hard to get it from the Atari if you need it.


I have looked at some sites about IDE ports and there seems to be no +5 line. there is a +5 connection of the MyIDE cart though. It should be enough for a CF card. Doing it this way, you do not have to have a wire to the Atari.

For devices that draw very little power, such as Compact Flash cards, a PCB layout inside the cartridge is provided to attach your power cable. Do not attempt to power any device requiring more than 400ma of current from your cartridge port, or you may damage or destroy your Atari power supply.


Found on this link

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A friend has a MyIDE with CF card, and is very cool, games loads very fast. These memory uses +5v for power, you can get this voltage directly in your Atari.


But some contras are, an apropiate menu to run a lot of games, more support for this device.



Has he looked at my MyIDE Image Manager software? I have a version for 3.1i/e and the newest 3.5F (and 4.0i once it's released). The new versions of the MyIDE OS are much more programmer friendly and that makes my programs work much better!


MyIDE Tools



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So your saying I would have to solder a wire from my Atari to the myide interface?




I think there may be a IDE2CF converter that takes the power from the IDE cable. I am waiting on mine so I can not confirm if they work or not. I have seen some of the converters that have a jumper that was selectable from a 3.5" floppy power connector or the bus. It would not be hard to get it from the Atari if you need it.


I have looked at some sites about IDE ports and there seems to be no +5 line. there is a +5 connection of the MyIDE cart though. It should be enough for a CF card. Doing it this way, you do not have to have a wire to the Atari.

For devices that draw very little power, such as Compact Flash cards, a PCB layout inside the cartridge is provided to attach your power cable. Do not attempt to power any device requiring more than 400ma of current from your cartridge port, or you may damage or destroy your Atari power supply.


Found on this link




I have a CF/IDE adapter that can be set to power the CF card from a 5V on pin 20 of the IDE connector. That is the pin that is unused and sometimes removed as a key. Some motherboards also provide +5V on this line for this purpose. I just added a jumper from the +5V cartridge line to Pin 20 of the IDE connector in my external cart version of MyIDE and it works just great.

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I have a CF/IDE adapter that can be set to power the CF card from a 5V on pin 20 of the IDE connector.  That is the pin that is unused and sometimes removed as a key.  Some motherboards also provide +5V on this line for this purpose.  I just added a jumper from the +5V cartridge line to Pin 20 of the IDE connector in my external cart version of MyIDE and it works just great.



So how do you get the cart open?

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I have a CF/IDE adapter that can be set to power the CF card from a 5V on pin 20 of the IDE connector.  That is the pin that is unused and sometimes removed as a key.  Some motherboards also provide +5V on this line for this purpose.  I just added a jumper from the +5V cartridge line to Pin 20 of the IDE connector in my external cart version of MyIDE and it works just great.



So how do you get the cart open?



I think with the ones you can get from atarimax they just snap together, is this the cart you have ?


For devices that draw very little power, such as Compact Flash cards, a PCB layout inside the cartridge is provided to attach your power cable. Do not attempt to power any device requiring more than 400ma of current from your cartridge port, or you may damage or destroy your Atari power supply.


or this ?


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I think with the ones you can get from atarimax they just snap together,  is this the cart you have ?


YES, but its hard to separate. I dont want to break the plastic case. I got 2 of them last week. I am still waiting on my IDE2CF converter. The links dont seem to have any info on opening the case.

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I think with the ones you can get from atarimax they just snap together,  is this the cart you have ?


YES, but its hard to separate. I dont want to break the plastic case. I got 2 of them last week. I am still waiting on my IDE2CF converter. The links dont seem to have any info on opening the case.



When I have opened up my carts from atariamx, all I do is stick my thumbs in the open end of cart and start spreading apart with slight force.


there are 4 nubs on top part "label side" of cart that slide in to bottom part



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Cool I was considering getting the myide interface.  The CF converter option will be perfect.  Less hassle for me and I dont have to worry about fooling around with other stuff (like a hard drive).




I got mine from this guy


I am still waiting on it. I'll let you know if it works. This one will connect directly on the cartridge. It will make it kind of long but its all in one unit.


Maybe MrAtari can make a MyCF cart ;) . It would eliminate our need to buy the converters.

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About the Atari 8bit...


Would a MyIDE with a CF to IDE converter be what you are looking for?  I just got two of this and am awaiting a SIO2PC so I can load up the CF card.  Its nice to have 1Mbit flash too.  I have not been about to fully utilize it since I dont have the converter yet.  It would have been optimal if the interface was CF instead of IDE.


I would also love to ge a CC2 but its a bit high for me.  I got the 7800 in 1995 on ebay for $20 just to play Galaga.  If there was a 8bit port, I would not have gotten one.




I have a MyIDE 130XE and want to buy a CF Adaptor for it, but haven't yet.


Here is one that has a female ATA connector. It would plug right into a MyIDE without any cables for $20:



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A friend has a MyIDE with CF card, and is very cool, games loads very fast. These memory uses +5v for power, you can get this voltage directly in your Atari.


But some contras are, an apropiate menu to run a lot of games, more support for this device.




Totally off topic but Zybex your "black vise" avatar is sweet. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Sayyyy!!  That is cool.  I have a HP95 I was thinking of using once.  A few rungs back compared to the HP200, you think it could do what you're doing as well?



    My solution is simple.  A HiNote 75 mhz Digital laptop running DOS APE.  Works great!



Well I don't own a HP95 but it has some problem reading standard flashcards and the maximum size is 32MB (I think). It was designed to work only with SRAM cards

There is a special driver for flashcards but you need to search the web for compatible cards.

The HP95 is powering the cardslot when switched off, the internal battery of the SRAM card lasts longer and the data on the card remains when you replace the battery. You need to remove the flashcard when not in use, otherwise the flashcard will drain the HP:s batteries.


But it shold be able to run SIO2PC.

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Here are my MyIDE carts with a IDE2CF converter. I had to find some floppy power connectors to solder onto the cart. It would have been cleaner if I put +5v onto pin 20, but the converter I got did not use that pin. I would have had to modify the converter too. It was much too small for that.


I used a 512Meg PNY CF card from Fry's. It was the cheapest at the time after rebate. So here is my cost break down.

$50 MyIDE

+$5 IDE2CF

+$20 512MB CF




That is the cheapest and most convenient solution for a HD on the 8bits that I have found. Now I can play games without turning on the slave PC.


Now its time to figure out how to put game on it. I have already put MULE on there.

Also is there a utility to test the speed? I saw a post on it earlier, but am not able to find it now.




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