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attn New England Gamers


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the next New England Classic Gamers' meet will be saturday July 19th, as always at my place here in boston. we'll be trading, gaming and probably drinking but we'll also be celebrating the launch of our first 2600 game. old members and first time guests alike are welcome to join us.


PM me for details and directions, more on this later.



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for anybody not on the mailing list who is thinking about coming, this guy is bringing some seriously rare stuff to trade. i thought some of you might be interested to see just what kind of stuff turns up at our meets. aside from all of these goodies there will be plenty of entry level stuff for the growing collections out there as well. so heres the list, you can PM me to inquire about any of the items or to get on the mailing list.


but I have a lot of bulky stuff for trade (or

sale if you insist) that I don't want to lug to the NECG meet unless someone

is interested:


-- Vectrex systems

-- Osyssey2 system complete in box (very nice) with about 30 games (many

complete in the box)

-- Atari 5200 systems (boxed or loose) and peripherals such as the trak ball

and Masterplay Interface (I've decided to start unloading most of my 5200

stuff due to space constraints, so just about everything in my collection is

fair game... if you need games like Meteorites or Zaxxon you may want to

contact me...)

-- Sega Master System

-- Sega Saturn with light gun and a bunch of games

-- Atari 2600 systems (boxed)

-- Atari XE system with games

-- Atari 7800 system

-- NES games (a few crates worth... if you are looking for any specific

titles let me know!)

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for anybody not on the mailing list who is thinking about coming, [snip]

I'm definitely thinking about making this one. I've been meaning to get down to see you guys for some time. I've got almost no duplicates (the few I had I gave away - some here on Atari Age!) but I've got cash which I realize takes a back seat to trading but when that's all you've got! I'm hoping to find a set of driving paddles (or at least one) and Sears Stellar Track (the last game I need to complete my "originally owned in 1982 collection)... But I'm sure if I make it I'll end up with more stuff than will fit in my old car!

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See you all tomorrow.  I have to dig through my closet tonight and pull out all my trade bait  :D


I'm really looking forward to it! I went through my dupes - pathetic. I'm not even sure I should bother but I'll make the attempt to bring something... I've got a couple of instruction manuals (Basic Programming and at least one other), a handful of carts (Frogger, Pitfall, Super Breakout, PacMan, and a few others), a couple of catalogs and that's about it. And that's ALL of my dupe stuff! So I'm hoping someone takes pity on me and allows me to trade green stuff for carts!


With any luck, I might find a few games and get my collection over 100!


And I might even try to find a boxed Space Invaders or Asteroids. I have no boxed games in my "collection" but I remember mounting both of those on my wall in the early 80's... but as with most things of that era, I neglected them in my teen years and they got tossed...


Hope to see lots of friendly folks tommorow!

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the meet went well beyond our expectations!


once again the fine folks of atariage filled the house, thanks to everyone who made the trip into boston and brought so many awesome games to trade and play. we played 2600- halloween, tempest, xevious, x-man, condor attack, bomb games, planet of the apes (i got it!) and many more. i was really amazed how many protos turned up, even the mock up box for a certain game we very interested in turned up (you'll see the pics soon). i am left with very little mess, tons of beer, chips and soda, more money than i started with and over 40 new games for my collection. i think i can confidently say that everyone had a good time and as my new Mr.T cart would say "i pity the fool who missed this trademeet"!


see you all in the fall!

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"Blue Harvest"?  I hear that's a game all about horror beyond your wildest imagination!  How do I get one?   :D


Looks like Parker Brothers Harvest to me, and if I had to choose a color I'd say "Gray Harvest". :) I like the intentionally blury image. If this were a movie (and I sometimes wonder), we could just say, "Computer, enhance photo" and have a perfectly crystal clear image. :D



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It was AMAZING! Christian was a great host - inviting strangers into ones home is not something most people do... and he was a very gracious host. Even though his dog Boo took a liking to me and humped my leg about 30 times, I managed to get in some great gaming, lots of Atari talk with like-minded folk and plenty of trading! Yes, even my very small and sometimes not game-related stack of trade bait managed to gather a few hits... and with a little cash to augment the deals (and in some cases as the only facor in a deal :) I was able to take home some great games. Since I was after mostly common stuff, nobody was interested in the carts I was looking for - which made it easy (since I never had to worry about someone else trying to wiggle in on a lone cart I was eyeing).


I even made the mistake of venturing into Christian's basement to see his... um... treasure pile of consoles gone by... I didn't sleep well...


Some of the protoypes were pretty wacky... And some of the high rarity carts... like X-MAN were something that just had to be seen to be believed! I got in a good playing of Vetrex, a little Kaboom and plenty of peeks at prototype carts.


Where was I... oh yeah, back to the actual meat and potatoes of the event... Trading! I took home 17 distinct carts that I didn't have as my haul for the day... Mostly rarity 1-3 but my best was one of my favoriate games (on z26) Laser Gates which I've finally gotten on a cart!


Everyone was easy to deal with... and most understood that I didn't have much in the way of trade material (though some were kind enough to indulge in a few pink floyd items and PC games I brought) and I thank everyone that made me feel comforatble at the meet (and that's pretty much everyone) and everyone I traded with.


And I got a Project Blue Harvest cart! Am I not allowed to say the name?? - anyway... it's a pretty rare 2600 prototype that finally got a release at the NECG which I'm loving - very fun and wonderful authentic production by the team that put it together.


Thanks again for a great NECG meet!

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Once again, it was a great time. Christian is so nice to let everyone into his apartment (by the way, some of those leftover chips and soda came from me). I was able to trade some of my rare coleco game and a few 2600 and 7800 game. I picked up my copy of the blue harvest project and about 8 other games. I also witnessed, in disbelief, as someone racked up an unbelievable score in Kaboom. I was getting dizzy just watching him. What was nice about this meet was that there was more game playing than in past meets.

My only problem now is that my closet at home is now a mess from me digging out all my duplicates. At least I can now remember what I have and start organizing my collection a little better.

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And I got a Project Blue Harvest cart!  Am I not allowed to say the name?? - anyway... it's a pretty rare 2600 prototype that finally got a release at the NECG which I'm loving - very fun and wonderful authentic production by the team that put it together.


I'm wondering how many people went home with one--it's inevitable that someone is going to reveal the name of it as well as post some pictures (and yes, I'm familiar with it).. I don't yet know if that someone will be Christian. :)



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it would be boring just to come right out and say it, a small amount of online research would make it pretty obvious to anyone who doesnt know. part of the reason for keeping a low flame on this is that we only made 50 and dont know if we will make another 50 yet so we dont have a quanity to satisfy the demand i'd figure. besides for us its kind of cool to have something exclusive to share with those come out and to our meets.


we're thinking of some other titles for future projects, if anybody wants to get invovled just PM me here.

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it would be boring just to come right out and say it, a small amount of online research would make it pretty obvious to anyone who doesnt know. part of the reason for keeping a low flame on this is that we only made 50 and dont know if we will make another 50 yet so we dont have a quanity to satisfy the demand i'd figure. besides for us its kind of cool to have something exclusive to share with those come out and to our meets.


I agree that the chase is part of the fun. :)


we're thinking of some other titles for future projects, if anybody wants to get invovled just PM me here.


Awesome, can't wait to see what else you guys decide to pursue. :)



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