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rants about jack and his shoddiness with the XEG


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probably spelled shoddy wrong. Anyways I have an XEG and overall I think it is a great idea. But I was annoyed by a few "obvious" errors with the built in game.


The built in game "missile command" does not seem to want to start when the keyboard is plugged in. The XEG goes into Basic. The problem with this logic is missile command requires the keyboard to change the skill level, as well as activate the trak-ball.


The game has the same stupid bug the cartridge apparantly has. I used to think this was a "bug" when loading the binary from DOS. The ships that come out do not sound right until you destroy the first one. The XEG is the same.


I think that about does it. You'd think they would have a little quality control in regards to the pack -in- game. Other than that I love it!


Just need to figure out what the deal is with the cartridge port.

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You have to hold down one of the buttons on the XEGS to get Missile Command to play with the keyboard plugged in. I don't remember which one it is but it's listed in the FAQ.



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Yeah you need to hold down the Select button to get Missle Command to start, holding Option disables basic for disk-based games that need that.


My main complaint with the XEGS is the poor positioning of the joystick ports. It's a big hassle getting sticks in and out of them, at least they continued this annoying design on their ST computers :)

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Yeah you need to hold down the Select button to get Missle Command to start, holding Option disables basic for disk-based games that need that.


My main complaint with the XEGS is the poor positioning of the joystick ports.  It's a big hassle getting sticks in and out of them, at least they continued this annoying design on their ST computers  :)


Lol... yeah I found the joystick positioning annoying as well. It got me to thinking how much simpler it is to plug joysticks into consoles these days.

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