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130XE power supply --> 800XL?


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I was just wondering if you can connect the 130XE power supply to the 800XL, and more importantly, would it work? :D


Reason I'm asking is that the supply I got with my 800XL looks like Sh**t and since I have a 130XE in the basement it'd be great to use the power supply from it.





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Thank you SO much for your help, it's great to hear that I can use the 130XE power supply since that is in excellent condition!


Now for another question, is there anyone of you who uses a 1050 diskdrive? (stupid question I guess but.... :) ) I'd really like to get some pictures of the power supply for the 1050 so that I can see exactly what feed is printed on it because I don't have one and I'm scared shitless of putting the wrong supply in this baby since I haven't seen a 1050 for sale here in sweden at a decent price.


I'd be real grateful for any help!!





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