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ST Boot Logo Placement and Memory Test bypass..

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Hello longtime ST hackers :) 


I’m looking for some help regarding a few modifications I’d like to make to TOS for a project I’m working on. 

1. I would like to move the placement of the Atari logo to the center of the screen. Someone else had successfully done it so the idea is to replace the logo with a different 1-bit bitmap image of the same size and have it centered. Probably an odd request but does anyone know where to poke around into moving the placement of the logo so that it’s smack center in the screen?


2. Is there also a way to completely remove the ST memory test at the beginning? This one is less important than the first one but it would be nice to start it up with a 5 second flash screen and jump right into an AUTO folder to run my program than manually bypassing a minute+ test or just waiting it out.



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1. I recommend to trace it with Steem Debugger. Surely not that hard to change pos. But since it is done with some character printing - if I remember correct, be ready that further txt. outprint will be lower.


2. That longer waiting in TOS 2.06 is extra memory test, added mostly to have delay for old hard disks, which had longer spin up time.

There is early memory test, and that can not be removed, because it looks for RAM size too. More time takes RAM clear after that. And then comes boot from floppy, waiting with progress indicator , then boot from hard disk , and after then AUTO run.

Waiting can be simply aborted with pressing some key. 

I made some patch for removing that wait, so I may look for. It was some 6 years ago for exxos. Maybe can find it on his site ...

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On 12/18/2019 at 2:30 PM, ParanoidLittleMan said:

1. I recommend to trace it with Steem Debugger. Surely not that hard to change pos. But since it is done with some character printing - if I remember correct, be ready that further txt. outprint will be lower.


2. That longer waiting in TOS 2.06 is extra memory test, added mostly to have delay for old hard disks, which had longer spin up time.

There is early memory test, and that can not be removed, because it looks for RAM size too. More time takes RAM clear after that. And then comes boot from floppy, waiting with progress indicator , then boot from hard disk , and after then AUTO run.

Waiting can be simply aborted with pressing some key. 

I made some patch for removing that wait, so I may look for. It was some 6 years ago for exxos. Maybe can find it on his site ...


Thanks for the info.


Once I get the bitmap ready and inserted into the TOS image, I may nudge you kindly again to see if you can find the patch but will attempt to see if I can find it on Exxos first sometime this weekend.

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