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HD Driver questions


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Ive got a few questions Id like to see if the community to help provide some clarity on:


Ive got an UltraSatan (the one with 2 SD card slots).  I was able to set it up a  few years back using the ICD drivers.  BITD I had an IOMega drive and through some work I got all my files transferred to the UltraSatan drive.


Im intrigued by having the ability to manage my SD card using Windows which  ParanoidMan is offering.


Heres my issue:


1.  How would I get my ST files transferred from my current ICD based SD HD to one using PM's HD driver?

2.  I have a Spectre partition on my HD as well - I cant remember how I managed to do this but I was able to get the files off my IOMega Spectre partition on to the UltraSatan - can this be accomplished with PM's driver?  Has anyone actually done this?

3.  Using PM's HD Driver I can easily pop the SD card into my Windows 10 computer and just copy files back and forth using Windows Explorer?


If PM's driver deosnt do this, is there one that can?

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1. My driver handles TOS type partitions, what ICD uses, so if you boot with card with PM driver, and ICD card is in second slot, it will mount partitions from that card too, after partitions from first card - and can copy.

Even if partitions are not recognized, handled, there is a way:  boot with SD card with ICD (that in first, SD card with PM partitions in second slot). Run manually program US10R.ORG (part of package) . It will mount partitions from second card after partitions from first .

2. Possible that you used above described method.  It is based on that direct runnable driver normally don't deactivates existing driver - like IOMega Spectre driver, just adds to it, and works only when upper partitions, so those on SD card are accessed.

Of course, if all it goes on ACSI port need to set different target IDs for IOMega and 2 SD slots of US.

3. Yes, TOS/DOS compatible partitions are direct accessible in Windows (or Linux, MAC) . And I recommend Total Commander instead Windows Expl. Can do all faster, more options. And not hard to learn.



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OK thanks for the reply - Im thinking of getting my Mega 2  up and running again and would like an easier way to manage my HD stuff.  How do I purchase your driver - I didnt see a link on the website to buy?  I wont be purchasing until some time in Jan though.

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