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Removing the Atari's Tail


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Hi guys. A while ago I modified my Atari unit with a phono plug on the back. Using a soldering iron I melted a small hole on the back of the atari's case and used an electric screwdriver to drill the rest. I cut the original atari RF cable and fitted it to the hole with the phono plug. Now I use an RF box I got at Best Electronics to plug it directly to my atari. The image quality improved a bit (perhaps because the old cable was almost completely removed). Here is a pic of the finished job:


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That would make the system easier to pack in my Atari carrying case.


That was what motivated me to do it. I wanted less cables to worry about. It also makes it easy to remove the atari board from the case (for whatever the reason).

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I wish I had a clue about how to do that kind of work to mod a system.


With the release of the 25-in-one INTV "system" and the upcoming 5 game Namco arcade TV game, I'm still holding out hope that someday Atari (Infogrames...or whatever!) will make something like a 150-in-one 2600 console, with or without a cart port, that includes AV output and stereo sound.

Hey, I'm allowed to have my fantasies, right?? :)

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drew2050, just a thought, but have you thought of doing this for other members here for a price.


  :ponder: :?  :!:


No I haven't but it sure would be nice to have a web page repository of all the cool mods possible on the atari.


Why not just put a coaxial plug in instead? Wouldn't be too hard to add the internals of a switchbox to the system...


There is enough space inside the atari case to do what you suggest. I am not sure how it would affect the image quality.

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