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My original collection


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I dunno I was cleaning my apt and found the list that I had put down all the Atari 2600 games I had on May 27, 2001.


I had 32 games..mostly commons.


The rarest of all that I had at the time would be Fathom.


I also had 4 2600 consoles...2 woodies, a Vader and a 2600Jr.


Talk about how things change so quickly.


I'm actually close to 200 games for the 2600 right now.

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I finally got my list of games. Thinking I had tons of repeats. Well no, so far I have two repeats. Plus, I still couldn't find my Atari 2600 woody in plastic case. Still hiding somewhere. I did find all my game carts though. So perhaps I have one more box of stuff floating around somewhere.





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I've been keeping a list of what I buy, where I got it and how much I paid, since I started looking for games more regularly about a year and a half ago. It's kind of fun to look back and remember where I got them, even though I'm not usually a list maker.


I started with my Vader and about 12 of my childhood games. Now I've got around 135 unique titles and 25 or so label variations. Also 3 2600 consoles. I've only bought 2 carts from eBay and have about 10 carts from AA trades. The rest is found in the wild. It's a small accumulation compared to many here, but it's a satisfying hobby and I enjoy showing it off to visitors--especially if they want to fire up a few games. I'll probably end up giving one of my extra consoles and most of my dupes to one of my brothers-in-law.

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My collection (I have a picture, too) is coming along nicely. Our original 1979 Atari 2600 died in the mid-80's and my follow-up Atari 7800 was sold by my Mom years ago at her garage sale so everything I have has been obtained in the last, oh, say 18 months.


Total carts so far (last time I counted): 317 (I think it's roughly 200 for the 2600), with a few duplicates. I've been keeping a list since I branched out into non-2600 systems, too.


Raijin Z: I had a great find (20 carts at $2 each) at the Akron Goodwill store about two months ago by doing some bin diving (find the games BEFORE they sort 'em out). It may have been a one-shot deal, though.



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I dunno I was cleaning my apt and found the list that I had put down all the Atari 2600 games I had on May 27, 2001.


I had 32 games..mostly commons.


The rarest of all that I had at the time would be Fathom.


I also had 4 2600 consoles...2 woodies, a Vader and a 2600Jr.


Talk about how things change so quickly.


I'm actually close to 200 games for the 2600 right now.


My original, original Atari collection has been long gone. The console broke and I gave away all my games to a kid down the street. But back in 1997, I had my first yard sale find where I bought a 7800 with about 25 games for $15. That would be my original collection. That also started the collecting/gaming frenzy that's been the last 6 years of my life! Sadly though, I'm offering that original 7800 for sale, because I just don't play it anymore. :(

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Raijin Z: I had a great find (20 carts at $2 each) at the Akron Goodwill store about two months ago by doing some bin diving (find the games BEFORE they sort 'em out).  It may have been a one-shot deal, though.


I don't doubt it. When I was there, they had nothing but crap. I hit the Salvation Army thrift store on the wy out of town, and got Leather Goddesses of Phobos, boxed with everything, even the scratch 'n sniff card, a middle-school science book, and a busted Capcom control stick for SNES. Someone split the circuitboard, so I have a tough job of rerouting about 20 traces.

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I have a drawer for all my childhood games. I have (I think) 30 or so. Funny enough, I had like 3 Defenders (even back then, we all had dupes!).


I keep them all away from would-be trade bait. I have them all marked with a blue dot on the backs. Don't want any of those to go. I won't even display them.


My original 2600 sits proudly in my office over my computer. I have a dust cover on it, same one I used as a kid. Nolan Bushnell signed it for me a year ago. That just adds to it for me. No money on earth would take that one :)



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My wife's 2600 still has her dust cover too, and I keep it on it when it's not in use. Personally I figure those are the two most important parts of the original stuff she had. If she made an issue out of digging out her original 30 I'm sure we could eventually figure which they are, but she's never made bones about it because she knows I wouldn't trade a cart of hers unless I had found one with a much nicer label to replace it.

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I now rest at 185 2600 games...just won a copy of Rampage today on EBay...though it went to $26...yikes..didnt' expect some other dumbass to bid repeatedly... :x


I got my copy of H.E.R.O today from Sniderman and boy I love H.E.R.O. I'm gonna start a thread for H.E.R.O

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