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Quick backup of Stacy hard drive

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A while ago I acquired a Stacy4 with a bunch of software and files on the internal hard drive. I'd like to wipe them to install different applications/OS/have a general play around with it, but want to preserve/backup the existing data.


What I'd love is to package everything up as a single file, preserving directory structure, and ideally be able to uncompress it on my mac. At the moment my best bet seems to be using STZip to compress everything, but I wanted to know if there was a better way to approach this task.



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In case of Stacy OS is in ROM, not on disk, as it is with Atari ST family, up to Falcon.

Compression is irrelevant in this case. You can use ZIP, RAR, whatever, once you saved all it - in single file, or in directory with subdirectories.

What is relevant here is how to transfer all it to MAC. If want single file, that would be image of complete hard disk, starting at first sector (MBR). And you can not do it with Atari (Stacy) - where to save 60 MB, or what is capacity of that drive ?

Since that drive is SCSI, you can connect it to MAC - if have SCSI adapter/connector in it.  I did some complete disk saves from SCSI disk - like Atari Mega STE internal with PC, equipped with PCI SCSI card. Then just used my SW for making image of whole disk (media) . In case of MAC, there is certainly SW for same purpose, but I don't know MAC SW.

When image is done easiest way to access files with some good Atari emulator. Like Hatari. I don't know is there Steem with Pasti for MAC.

Need to use ACSI disk emulation and mount made image.  Then can extract, copy files wherever want.

Note: MAC will not recognize partition and files from hard disk with Atari format.


What if no SCSI in MAC ?  Then you need some other storage, best with TOS/DOS compatible partitions where can copy all files from internal drive - like UltraSatan, Satandisk. That's done many times with success, and in short time.

Or maybe PARCP ? Don't know is it working with MAC.


I guess that your idea was to ZIP data with Atari - but then how to transfer it to MAC ? With floppies - no floppy in MAC. Or if can solve it with USB floppy, then must limit size to some 700 KB. Well, that may work, depending on how good ST ZIP is - can it split output to shorter files and like. In any case, floppies are PITA now, and transferring some 40 MB that way may be really stressful.   If idea was to make ZIP with Atari on hard disk self, then attach it to MAC - that's waste of time , and question is is there space for it. You will not be able to access that ZIP file from Atari format disk directly, only as described above - via image and emulator.

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Thanks @ParanoidLittleMan - it was only the files I wanted, no need for a full drive image. I ended up zipping all the content (no compression, was going to take too long) and transferring it over to my mac via UIP-tools and Netusbee. Given UIP-tools has an HTTP interface, it seems to me it should be relatively simple to mirror data to/from the Atari via UIP-tools and some simple scripts to interact over HTTP directly.

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