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www serwer on Atari 130XE


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  • 3 years later...

For some time, he has been upgrading the software for Pinokioo, related to the operation of the server he provides.

Progress even satisfactory, but I have a problem with more extensive testing of the software.


The whole thing tests under Altirra with DragonCard enabled. The software, e.g. WebBrowser, and WGet do a good job of accessing the web, but for chrissakes I can't access the running http server on the Altirra emulator.

Somewhere I already found a post where someone mentioned this problem, but there was no response. Now I'm wondering if it's a matter of lack of DragonCard implementation in the hardware for Altirra, or a configuration problem - here I tried everything I know how to do and did not achieve positive results. Or is it a matter of the runtime environment? I use Altirra under Linuxe (Wine) Maybe it is Wine's fault?

Someone may have had a similar problem and by chance managed to solve it?


I would be extremely grateful for any information that would help to enable access to the Altirra and WebServe (from the Contiki package) served http server.


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