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I bought one of those NE2000 cart port network cards many moons ago.  Every time I try to use it I seem to run into a mysterious problem that takes days to fix.


For the most part Im pretty sure Ive got the right drivers and control panel (v1.31) - I think it comes down to my route table for me trying to connect to a machine on my local network.


My network is 192.168.1.x

My Gateway is

The hard wired IP address for STiNG is which appears open from what I can tell on my network


I believe the ROUTE.TAB is my issue as if I have things somewhat right the ACTIVE light will flash on the card when I ping.  If I make a mistake it seems the ACTIVE light wont flash.


Any thoughts on the right way to configure this?


Here is the ROUTE.TAB file and what I thought was right but obviously isnt.


#  Format of routes comprises four entries, separated by TABs :
#    - First the network (subnet number) which can be reached by using this
#       route.
#    - Next the subnet mask associated with that network.
#    - Then the port name follows. This is the name as listed by ConfSTinG or
#    - Last entry is the IP address of a host on the attached network that 
#       can act as a gateway.
#  The network specified can be directly attached to the specified port, in
#  that case no gateway is needed, as the datagram can be routed directly.
#  For a route to a network that is directly attached therefore the gateway 
#  entry should be set to
#  For an attached Ethernet the gateway entry specifies the gateway out of 
#  the Ethernet, for a serial line it is simply the host at the other end.
#  It is advisable to finish the table by a default route. This route is most
#  easily obtained by specifying a network with a netmask
#  Routes with invalid addresses or absent ports are ignored.
#        Modem 1
#        Ser.2/LAN
#            Ser.2/LAN
#        EtherNet        EtherNet


Ive also tried        EtherNet

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