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Help! New Atari purchaser confused!


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:? I just purchased a Atari 2600 Jr. Rev. A (the small box with the Rainbow) with a bunch of games including some Activision. The Activision ones work but I can't get the traditional Black cartridge Atari games to fit in the slot. I feel like a tool because I'm sure I'm missing osmething here. Can anyone help me out?
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You'll find that occasionally you'll have trouble loading any cart in any model 2600, just because the board inside the cart doesn't line up exactly with the cart slot on the system (one of the two is out of place) when you try to shove a cart in. The reason you're having better luck with Activision is because they don't have a dust flap, so you don't have to have it pushed in for the board inside to be aligned with the slot outside. There's nothing wrong really. You just have to get down the "cart wiggle" for your console, it's different for every one.

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i had a similar problem. i thought i had some bad carts but a friend gave me their old original 2600 (the one with the wood grain) and those carts worked fine. some fit better in the black console and some in the original. you could try to pick up a cheap original heavy sixer on e-bay or yahoo auctions. or just go emulation.

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The problem could be that one or both of the two plastic tabs on either side of the cartridge port of the 2600 that open the door on the cart have broken off.


Without them, there's nothing there to open the door on the cart, so it won't go in. You can get the Activision carts in without them because the Activision carts do not have the door mechanism.


As I recall, the plastic tabs on the junior model are like the 7800 - they are thinner than the tabs on the original 2600 - and are easier to break.


Check out your 2600 and see if the tabs are there on both sides of the cartridge slot. If one or both are broken, you'll have to figure out a fix.

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What do you mean by give? From my experience, the cartridge port on the console is supposed to be pretty solid.


You should also know, at least from my experience, the juniors aren't as durable or reliable as the older models. The juniors I've found in the wild never worked right, while at the same time an old six-toggle I found has worked perfectly for years. It wasn't until I bought a brand new junior that I saw one work OK.

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I have the same problem with my jr. Both tabs are broken off.


Quck fix:


You can stick a toothpick in one of the little slots on the left and right of the cart door. While doing this, push the cart door in slightly. Now quickly put the cart into the slot of the console. With a bit of practice, you can do it every time.


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Correction to what I just said... the dust cover itself is not necessary, but the two protrusions on it are. They push open the cover over the slot for the PCB on the console, just like the ones on the console push open the dust cover on the cart. (In theory.)


OK... I have a question for you... it is probably a stupid question, but since you haven't mentioned any specific titles, I guess it's worth a shot.


You're sure these aren't ColecoVision cartridges, right?

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A thought on the toothpick method... maybe it would work better if once you prop the cart open, you apply a little pressure to the cart where the door is to stop it from closing, and keep the pressure as you put the cart in.


*tries it*


Yup, works great. :thumbsup:

Can't believe I never thought of it!

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