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sio2pc cable


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hey all!


Well, now that ive finally replaced my dead 800xl with a new one,im thinking that it would be better to get the sio2pc adaptor so i can just use all the software from my pc harddrive instead of having to mess with a real 810 or 1050 drive.


My question is: Where is the best place to buy a cable from, and is there a big difference in quality or performance from one cable to another? (ok, so thats 2 questions!) :-)


Id appreciate any help or comments! Thanks guys!

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Thanks Nukey :)


Been Ok, just busy being me! lol dont think that i dont check atari age at least once a day to keep track of yall! ;) Just call me Tif the lurker!


I noticed that the cable offered by the atariage store doesnt have the enclosed pc board... has anyone ever had any probs with this shorting out or doing anything weird? Ive seen the cables both ways, some that dont have the pc board and just look like a normal type cable, some with the the pc board just spliced onto a atari SIO cable. Is there a big difference?


Inquireing minds wanna know!

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I picked one up on eBay for half that price and everything is enclosed. Although there is no guarantee that you're gonna win a cable at $16. you can probably get one around $20-$30 without problem on eBay and it is completely enclosed. The one I purchased was from the guy who sells the APE software, so I am sure they are reliable...

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Why bother with ebay not knowing if you'll get your stuff or if it will work when the Al's sell em @ the same price? :D

Anyway, I'm not hip to the "fully integrated" cable...only the boards that attach to one end of a standard Atari SIO cable. You can buy it fully assembled, or save $10 if you've got a spare drive cable and just get the board. But awhile back GunStar posted the email of a guy in Canada that makes 1050's with the board built-in.


BTW Aloha lurker girl :)

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Hi Tif,


Doesn't really matter which one you get. Uhh...get the cheapest one! They are all functionally identical and work equally well AFAIK.


APE is one of the most brilliant pieces of software I've ever seen. So useful, performs so well! The current version runs on WinXP, and auto-detects the interface, so it is literally plug-n-play! AND it comes with the ProSys utility so you can take all those ATR files and burn real disks from them (if you actually DO want to bother with a real 810/1050 :wink: )


Steve Tucker is some kind of evil genius (OK, maybe not EVIL). You should also look into his AMAZING ApeWarpOS mod. Well worth the $50 or so.



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Thanx Guys!



As always yall are the bestest! :-) Its nice to know that i can come here and get all the info i need!


I think ive decided to go ahead and get a cable from here at atari age, i can get then a little cheaper off e-bay, but i feel it would only be right to help support a site that has been a great place to hang out and learn lots! Gotta give a little back ya know!


Andy, im seriously looking into that warp upgrade, just have to budget the extra 50 in there somwhere, its gonna be great to have super fast access to my programs YAY! Geez, im such a geek girl! LOL


And Nukey, ALOHA right back at cha! :)


Hugs to all you guys!

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Thanx Guys!

...Andy, im seriously looking into that warp upgrade, just have to budget the extra 50 in there somwhere, its gonna be great to have super fast access to my programs  YAY!  Geez, im such a geek girl!  LOL



The ApeWarp OS about triples the I/O speed, and when you use it in conjunction with APE, the load speeds are pretty amazing. Imagine: instead of the familiar loading sound of "beep-beep-beep-beep...", you will hear "brrrrrrrrap!" and it's loaded before you've blinked!


Plus, you can switch your XL into 800 mode and run most of those "800 only" titles with no problem.


Another groovy feature is the "reverse Basic", where instead of having to hold SELECT to disable Basic on startup, you will now have to hold Select to ENABLE Basic on startup. Very handy.


If you're mechanically inclined and handy with a soldering iron, then order it and install it yourself. If you're not comfortable with that, Steve Tucker will accept your computer via the mail and return it with the upgrade installed for an additional fee.


> Geez, im such a geek girl!


Do you have any idea how desirable and sexy that makes you to the guys on this board? ...OTOH, the guys on this board are mostly Uber-geeks, and you may not want that kind of attention from that kind of guy :D


Take care,



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Well andy, i think you should be a sales rep for Apewarp! LOL Im gonna have to get that now, you definatly talked me into it :-) Not that it really took much talking!


Anyhoose, i should be ordering that in a coupleof weeks if all goes well in the budgeting dept. Things are a little tight here at the moment, been spending too much money on computer goodies these days. Somehow my sweetie managed to get 5 computers hooked up in the spare room all hooked up to a lan so we can host lan gaming parties (more folks to clean up after! lol) And now its my turn for some new stuff to play with. Heck id be happier playing MULE or something than basting folks in Quake any day of the week.


As far me being sexy and desireable... LOL Im just happy that someone thinks so! At any rate i have a soft spot in my heart for geeks, especially the kind that are into Atari! :D


And Nukey, youre first in line sweetie! And i promise not to gripe if ya come back around for seconds :)


Oh Tony, i forgot to say thanx earlier... but i appreciate the info!


See yall laterz!

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