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H.E.R.O worship


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Any H.E.R.O fans in here?


I just got the game yesterday but I haven't been able to top 50k points so far. I've only gotten as far as level 5 .


It's addicting for a game!


Man, I love this game. :love:

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Don't forget, If you "fry" the game until you can see a minor sitting there and you can't see R. Hero but can hear him. Wait for the timer to run down. You'll hear the "die" noise. And the 1st LVL will start over. But your life counter will be screwy and you'll have plenty of lives to get through all 20 LVL's....and beyond.


So I'm a cheater...So what?

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H.E.R.O. rocks. It's from that odd period in time where Activision games were getting more and more innovative even though they were selling less and less well. I sometimes wonder about the irony - one of the few companies whose most rare classic games cost more AND are worth it. :D Certainly not true with Apollo! Skeet Shoot anyone? ;)

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I love H.E.R.O. too. I never knew about the frying trick mentioned above. When you start to get better on the game, the difficulty really ramps up and the levels get so long that the timer really becomes a factor. Your score will also increase more slowly on each level because of the small portion of bonus left on the timer. Let me know what you think of levels 18, 19, and 20 when you reach them. ;)

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H.E.R.O. rocks.  It's from that odd period in time where Activision games were getting more and more innovative even though they were selling less and less well.  I sometimes wonder about the irony - one of the few companies whose most rare classic games cost more AND are worth it.  :D  Certainly not true with Apollo!  Skeet Shoot anyone? ;)





Comparing H.E.R.O. to Skeet Shoot is like comparing Michaelangelo to Earl Sheib.



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H.E.R.O is one of the best games i know, just played a game and again died in level 20, lost five lives there :x :x (173980).


I've never made it past level 20 (starting from 1), once i already saw thhe miner butt ran out of time :x

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- to get past the moving magneta walls just drop from the level above and in the new screen push up for a fraction of a second


- spent some in the first screens and learn to hover (up, wait, up, wait, up), and learn to fly horizonal


- shooting doesn't cost power


- in some screens with a wall in the middle and an bat/moth.. on the right side (and low) of the wall you have to blast away, there is the possibility to put the dynamite move to the right one step (you fall) push up immediately. This save you a lott of time because you don't have to kill the bat/moth/thingie (e.g. you don't die of dynamite when you're flying)


- time/power is more precious than killing every bath/moth you come across (gives you more points also (i think)).


- get a good joystick, with an atari joystick i could hardly get to level 15.


- there are one or two levels where you shouldn't blast the first wall you encounter (if you do (still somtimes happens to me) and you run out of dynamite you can also shoot the walls down with your laser, this takes some time so you shouldn't be too slow.


Well, gonna give it another shot to get past level 20 for the first time.....

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H.E.R.O Is a brilliant game on all consoles and a definite must have. Its biggest problem is the addictive nature of the game. I guess theres no other game really like it but for some reason when i think of HERO i think of the arcade game Phsycic 5,,,,, Anyhoo, ive never completed all the levels.

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One of the best games for the 2600. And a wonderful example of a game that was actually superior on the 2600 compared to other versions (5200, Commodore 64, et. al.).


It seems to me that Activision really didn't make an earnest effort to take advantage of the 5200's capabilities with its conversions of 2600 titles. Kaboom!, Pitfall!, H.E.R.O., Keystone Kapers, Megamania, etc. It just seems like they made a very minimal effort to enhance the graphics. But even that small token effort was much less than it could have been.

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It seems to me that Activision really didn't make an earnest effort to take advantage of the 5200's capabilities with its conversions of 2600 titles.  Kaboom!, Pitfall!, H.E.R.O., Keystone Kapers, Megamania, etc.  It just seems like they made a very minimal effort to enhance the graphics.  But even that small token effort was much less than it could have been.


They made up for it in a big, big way with Pitfall II: Lost Caverns.


I'm thankful that, when it came to the gameplaying experience, Activision preferred to keep pushing the envelope rather than devote too much time reinventing the wheel. I'm sure that's a big part of why they're one of the few who survived The Crash and are still around today.



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They made up for it in a big, big way with Pitfall II: Lost Caverns.


Well... yeah, I didn't want to mention that because it would undermine my argument. ;)


But even with Pitfall II, graphically it's not that much improved over the 2600 version. (Of course, there is the small matter of the presence of Level 2. :ponder: )

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Solaris is kinda boring, actually.




I haven't played it much lately but back in junior high I would play it for hours on end.


I never came close to solving it, but boring... no way!


OK, maybe I'm still just in denial because it was the best I had while all of my friends were playing Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man and Castlevania...


No... never!

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