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H.E.R.O worship


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Anyway, back to the topic.


Who's got the highest H.E.R.O score in here?


Just wondering.


My highest score is kinda puny....Level 5 19,620 points


I've just started keeping track of my scores. THe more time Get, the more I'l be able to beat certain games(I hope).

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One of the best games for the 2600. And a wonderful example of a game that was actually superior on the 2600 compared to other versions (5200, Commodore 64, et. al.).


I'm a huge fan of HERO on the 2600, but I'm even a bigger fan on the 5200 better. The game isn't any different except for better graphics, but I think the analog controllers give a better feel for the flying. Anyone agree? I forget my highest score, I think it's around 200,000 and I know I've gotten to at least level 20.

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IMHO, HERO is the best game on the 2600, 5200, CV and whatever other platform it was ported to. I wish there would be an updated (2D) version for the modern consoles. It would be fine by me if just the graphics were updated but some power-ups in the caves might be a nice added touch.

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You know, I think Activision really should have done something special when you hit a million... like have the characters from their other games all come on the screen and congratulate you...


The Mad Bomber

Pitfall Harry

Pierre Touche

The Keystone Kop...


Uh... the Big Bad Wolf...



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Don't forget, If you "fry" the game until you can see a minor sitting there and you can't see R. Hero but can hear him. Wait for the timer to run down. You'll hear the "die" noise. And the 1st LVL will start over. But your life counter will be screwy and you'll have plenty of lives to get through all 20 LVL's....and beyond.


Sorry if I am asking a question most of the community knows, but just how do you "fry" the game?



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Anyway, back to the topic.


Who's got the highest H.E.R.O score in here?



Ive hit the !!!!!!. So has Todd Rodgers, and I imagine dyancey has also.


Once you have mastered all 20 levels you have the game wrapped around your little finger becuase after level 20, the game just loops through levels 7,9,13,17,18,&20 - or something along those lines, cant remember excactly. I found once I could do the harder levels without losing more than 1 life, rolling the game was quite easy.


H.E.R.O. is the greatest.

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Ironically, two of my favorite Activision games--Frostbite and H.E.R.O.--were two carts I did not buy back when they were released. I actually bought copies of both back in 1997 and fell in love with both. When I want to revisit the games now, they are always two that I play first.

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Anyway, back to the topic.


Who's got the highest H.E.R.O score in here?



Ive hit the !!!!!!. So has Todd Rodgers, and I imagine dyancey has also.


Once you have mastered all 20 levels you have the game wrapped around your little finger becuase after level 20, the game just loops through levels 7,9,13,17,18,&20 - or something along those lines, cant remember excactly. I found once I could do the harder levels without losing more than 1 life, rolling the game was quite easy.


H.E.R.O. is the greatest.


This is based on the C64 version, so not sure if 2600 is the same, but IIRC after you beat level 20 it wraps from 13-20 in perpetuity. (Can you keep playing after "!!!!!!" ? I don't remember...)

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Thanks for sharing your fond H.E.R.O memories.


My classes wrap up this week so I should have more time at playing H.E.R.O. Just getting past 20k points and level 5 is my goal. Not sure how much concentration it takes though.


I love H.E.R.O regardless.


I'm going to hunt down the 5200 version as well. :D

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Anyway, back to the topic.


Who's got the highest H.E.R.O score in here?



Ive hit the !!!!!!. So has Todd Rodgers, and I imagine dyancey has also.


Once you have mastered all 20 levels you have the game wrapped around your little finger becuase after level 20, the game just loops through levels 7,9,13,17,18,&20 - or something along those lines, cant remember excactly. I found once I could do the harder levels without losing more than 1 life, rolling the game was quite easy.


H.E.R.O. is the greatest.


This is based on the C64 version, so not sure if 2600 is the same, but IIRC after you beat level 20 it wraps from 13-20 in perpetuity. (Can you keep playing after "!!!!!!" ? I don't remember...)


Yes, thank you! I have made the mark of !!!,!!!. It does cycle levels 13-20 in random order after you get past level 20 and become a "PRO"(as indicated on the level indicator at the bottom of the screen). No, you cannot continue to play beyond the score of !!!,!!!. The game immediately freezes when this score is reached. I found this game to be very difficult and very addicting also. I never truly mastered level 20 either. I just played and hoped to have 6 men whenever I reached level 20. After I went past it, I hoped that it did not occur again before I built my supply of extra men back up to full power. Talk about pressure! Needless to say, with this weakness in my play, it took many, many attempts to reach the top score! :woozy: But, like was said above, once you can get through the other levels without losing any men.... you'll make it all the way eventually!

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I just got a HERO cart just a few weeks ago, i am pretty excited...I havent been able to spend much time with it, so level 4 or 5 is my best. i end up dying, i have yet to run out of time as a cause for losing.


using the game pads probably isnt helping any, i need to get out my other controllers.



is it one of my fav's not quiet yet, but its growing quickly

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