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H.E.R.O worship


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H.E.R.O. is one of my all-time 2600 favorites, too. My best is 151,330 (level 19), although I set that back in the mid-80's. Currently, I'm working my way back up there using Stella. I'm back up around level 15 or so, now.


When I started playing it again recently, I had forgotten that you could use your laser to shoot through walls, so if I ran out of dynamite, I just sat there and died repeatedly (since you wouldn't regain any dynamite with your subsequent lives). I did find out though, if you flew all the way back to the start of the level, then died, your next life would appear with a full load of dynamite again.


Then I re-read the manual and found out about using the laser again. :roll:


I always thought H.E.R.O. would have been a great game for hidden levels and secret passageways. Might make for a good hack/homebrew.

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I had to share this story!


I broke down and bought the Activision Anthology for PS2 today and one of the first games I went to was H.E.R.O. My six-year-old son was watching, wanting to know what the game was, so I told him it was called H.E.R.O. Well, being full of questions, he wanted to know all about what Roderick (wasn't that his name?) was doing, so I explained he was rescuing miners who had been caught in a cave-in.


Well, the next thing he was asking was if he could play. On his first game, he made it to level four. Not too bad! :wink:


Of course, this just goes to show that this game still has what it takes minus flashy graphics! :wink:

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I think that Metroid stole some of the ideas from H.E.R.O but both games are similar in some ways.


I'm glad to see that even a little kid would like it. It shows that Atari has universal appeal. I'm hoping my niece will enjoy it too when she gets older. I'm thinking that if she wants to get into games, that the 2600 would be a good start.

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In addition to H.E.R.O., he is also enjoying Keystone Kapers. In fact he woke up this morning wanting to play! 8)


I have always wanted to share the games with him, but have been afraid he would be too rough on the joysticks if he became too excited, so this is a good compromise.

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Well, I just can't wait until I can get my son hooked on Atari (he's 4 months old now).  My wife, likewise, will probably be less than thrilled at the prospect.


You know, I have long believed that there is NO better way to introduce children to the wonderful world of video games than the Atari: the controls are usually not convoluted, addictive game play, and bright colors, especially on the Activision titles.


By the way, nice web page, and is that an old Mac sitting in one of the pictures on your systems page? How well I remember them from when I first started desktop design with my journalism students. A far cry from my new G4! ;)

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Yes, it's a Mac SE/30. (Actually, it's an SE case... but with a 68030 upgrade crammed inside.)


I used it as a clock for a while when I was working from home... now that I am going back to that situation, I would like to again but, alas, I turned it on a couple weeks ago and got the dreaded SAD MAC! :(

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