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Let's take a trip to the creative side of your brain...


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Let's see if you can make mockups of the following games on the 2600! Now, the mockups HAVE to be believable. Keep them within the 2600's limitations.


Here are the games:


Ballblazer :twisted:


Star Raiders II

Robotron 2084 :twisted:


Food Fight


The Dreadnought Factor


Super Pac-Man


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No no no. The letter itself is pronounced "keh-yoo" but that doesn't mean it phonetically has a "ke-wuh" sounds UNLESS followed by a U, and not always in that case either. For example, you say "keesh" for the word "quiche," not "kweesh."

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No! We must argue to the death!


MMF is right... Q by itself sounds like K. There are very few words in English that have a Q by itself but in those cases, it's a K sound.


Of course... the makers of Qix (was it Taito?) were just messing with us I am sure... pronounce it either way. I think both ways could be intended as an enticing game title. (Get your "kicks" playing a "quick" game of Qix. Or something. :| )

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By the way, how do you even pronounce "Qix"?





I’ve come to pronounce it as “KICKS” (partially due to a thread in RGVC a few years ago that addressed the same question). However, in the early 80s, a friend and I simply bypassed English language pronunciation rules altogether and called the game “GIX”. We played a hell of a lot of “GIX” back in the day.

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The funny thing is that the "kicks" pronounciation didn't even occur to me until seeing it there. As a kid, everyone that I've known called the game "quicks". I guess the mentatility was that since it began with Q and not K, it must have the "kw" sound (as most common words beginning with Q do).

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Of course... the makers of Qix (was it Taito?) were just messing with us I am sure... pronounce it either way.  I think both ways could be intended as an enticing game title.  (Get your "kicks" playing a "quick" game of Qix. Or something. :| )

Isn't the arcade spec'ed as having a speech synthesis chip?

Shame Taito didn't use it. This debate could be put to rest.


I've always said it "kwics" or something to that effect.

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