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strange writting on inside of 2600 case


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so I just recently purchased two 2600, a heavy 6er and a standard 6 switch, and when I get new things they get tested, cleaned, tested again and stored properly. Today when I had a case cracked open of the standard six switch I noticed printed inside the cover near the part nomber a strange sentance I've never seen on any other 2600, it says: "PROPERTY OF ATAI INC. SUNNYVALE CA. 94086" now, that not the only strange bit, the part number is C010307-A which I asume is correct, but before the part number, a little more to the left of it, like it was somthing seperate is this: "L&W G" is this some sort of sub-contracted manufactoring plant? the bottom of the unit has a tag on it, with it's serial number and such, the tag itself is green, it say the unit was manufactored in Tiawan I was under the impression that these were suppose to have been made in Hong Kong? and finally the serial number starts with a "T" like: T035298 so guys put your brains together and tell me whats up, cause I dont have a clue, (And I thought I knew EVERYTHING :wink: ) maybe it's nothing, but I dont know...



ohh, also the date on the inside of the unit, (you know the little tage they tape to the metal sheilding) says, DEC 28 1979, so maybe that'll help you guys help me.

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why does it say that the upper case of my 2600 is the property of Atari??? I could understand copyrights, or or trademarks, but to flat out say that this peice "BELONGS" to Atari whats that about? and dont say bad english-taiwanese translation

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My 4 switch has something that looks like old receipt paper taped on the inside, but the mimeographing on it's too bloody to read.


:o Too bloody? :o


Methinks we need to see a photo of that!


For sale, one vintage VCS, owned by a vampire.
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