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Macro Assembers - Macros - Multiple instances of Macros


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Used Assember: MAC/65

Topic: Usage of multiple macro instances creates multiple labels. This causes wrong branching.


Example: This macro gets a random number and 
branches depending on the value

     LDA $D20A   ; get RDN()
     ROR A       
     CMP #16     
     BNE ?STAY   ; don't move
     LDA #1
     LDA #0

The two instances used here :

  RNDMOVE ; Instance a)
  RNDMOVE ; instance b)

What I couldnt' resolve is this: the assember generates code in a way that it creates a branch that jumps from macro instance a) to macro instance b). The branch BNE ?STAY  gets the address of the ?STAY label from macro instance b) instread of a)

Looked into the MAC/65 reference manual on this. Tried declaring labels as local with '?'. Also tried the .local directive that led to more assemby Errors: 

606F D08F      M         BNE ?STAY   ; don't move

Workaround: Use just ONE instance and use JSR + at the end of macro an RTS

General question I'm asking : Doesn't the concept of macro asselblers support multiple instances. I could imagine that in times where memory was precious wasting of memory by usage of multiple macro instances was no use case.


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That does seem very strange.  I use DASM and don't have any trouble at all with labels inside macros.

; This macro defines subroutines that play sounds in the
; various channels.  The sound should have its address 
; placed in $fe-$ff.
; Arguments are:
; {1} the AUDC register.
; {2} the AUDF register.
; {3} the sound pointer.
; {4} the timer location.
; {5} the control location.
    mac start_sound
    ldy     #0                      ; 0 index.
    lda     ($fe),y                 ; Load the AUDC value.
    sta     {1}                     ; Fill AUDC.
    sta     {5}                     ; Save AUDC for rests.
    iny                             ; Step forward.
    lda     ($fe),y                 ; Load the AUDF value.
    sta     {2}                     ; Fill AUDF.
    iny                             ; Step forward.
    lda     ($fe),y                 ; Get the frame count.
    sta     {4}                     ; Save it.
    inc     $fe                     ; Move the pointer to the first record.
    bne     .no_carry
    inc     $ff
    lda     $fe                     ; Store the record address.
    sta     {3}
    lda     $ff
    sta     {3} + 1

This macro in particular is repeated four times in immediate succession without issues.  This is a basic function of macro assemblers and I'd be shocked if yours didn't support it.  Perhaps there's some special syntax for a "macro-local" label in that assembler.

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