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How many 2600 games do you have?


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I was just curious as to how large some of the 2600 collections are of people who visit these boards.



226 individual titles

277 listed variations from the search pages here at Atari Age

Variations all together I don't even want to try to count them yet but I'm starting on my second 73qt/70ltr Sterilite tub of extras.


Unfortunatly the rarest game I have is a Quest for Quintana Roo Sunrise label 8/10 on this site.


How about you?

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Have to admit, my collection (while still growing ever so slightly), is only a humble collection. Only 87 titles (including 2600 and 7800 carts) to speak of, I fear. Most of those carts were my brother's. The ones that I bought myself... only about 20+ of them.


But hey... collecting's is a minor thing to me. I just enjoy playing them. :D

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I'm probably somewhere around 100, maybe slightly less. I know it's at least 70. It's growing at a nice pace too, possibly an average of about one new title every week or two, over the last twelve months (and that's without using eBay).

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I'm glad this topic comes to light every month or so. (really I am, no sarcasm intended here) Let me explain.


Not only is it nice to hear about people's collections that are new to this board, it's great to hear how other long time collector's collections are coming along. :)


Now, I'm up to 440 unique NTSC titles myself. I don't do label variations. I still have yet to obtain a true rarity"10". My goal at the moment is to obtain every 2600 game that isn't a ten, as well as all their instructions. I'm up to 320 instructions at the moment. I would like to get one box from every major company as well but that's kind of secondary goal.


Everyone keep up the good positive collecting carma. ;)

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A bit over 530 Single games with Lable variations

Ca. 50 Multicartridges with more games on it

8 tapes for SuperCharger (PAL & NTSC)

28 Prototypes (with new releases and some unsure with strange lables)


Together over 610 cartridges and growing. :D

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I have finally counted and have 253 2600 carts, this will be a year next month of colecting. Sadly ive only got 17 7800 carts, I say sadly because i couldnt afford a 7800 in the eighties.


Out of those 253 the following are dupes


Millipede x 3

midnight magic x 2

jedi arena x 3

jawbreaker x 2.



As for other systems i honestly could be borthered counting.

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If I ever get around to counting exactly...



Around 1000, last count. About 300 boxed games, and around 350 unique titles. One 10, some 9's and some protos.

I agree with Matt on this one, neat to hear about others and how there is comfort in numbers!


I have around 1600 now for all systems combined now. Things are getting out of hand :)



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My full count is below. It's all individual titles, for all systems, I don't count duplicates, label variations, or anything else like that. One of each.


My 2600 inventory has been steady for quite a while now. I can't find anything I don't already have without having to go to extreme measures to find something. It's also been a long time since I've seen many Atari games in the wild, or just stumbled on them at flea markets, second hand stores or yard sales. They seem to have just dried up. But I'm happy with what I've got.

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72 unique carts 87 total, been fairly static numbers over the past 6 months

(with the total droping due to a few contests I ran)

But I have enough carts in the post to push me over 100 :)

This is either the begining of the end or the end of the begining :P :? :D

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104 carts. This is not counting dupes (don't have any label variations), but then again it wouldn't add much to my count anyway :)


From the 9 games my family had in the early 80's to the bargain bin liquidations of the late 80's to used video game stores that still sell 2600 games, I think I'm getting close to owning all the games I value in play. I'm still on the lookout for H.E.R.O. and Frostbite - and saving my coins for a few homebrews (must...own...Qb...and Gunfight...and others...).


Rarest cart: Atari Video Cube w/box and instructions (a $3 (+tax) find!); followed by Tapper and Pengo (both loose).


Useless factoid: Popeye was my 100th 2600 cart! Hyuk-kuh-kuh-kuh!


Jason Rein

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:D not enough, thats clear


I posses about 550 ATARI 2600 cards, some rarity 10 cards and two pre-releases proto-types (combat II and snow white). I am really addicted in collecting atari games. It all starts with decathlon in Sep 2001. I someone is interested in trading, please let me know. mailto:ederrc@ginko.de


See ya

RUDI :evil:

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:D not enough, thats clear


I posses about 550 ATARI 2600 cards, some rarity 10 cards and two pre-releases proto-types (combat II and snow white). I am really addicted in collecting atari games. It all starts with decathlon in Sep 2001. I someone is interested in trading, please let me know. mailto:ederrc@ginko.de


See ya

RUDI :evil:

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i have about 100 unique games, a few label variations that happend to come with lots i purchased. thats only about a month worth of collecting, and i had about 28 games or so when i started =D im already becoming addicted. i havnt even spent $100 yet and i have a 6 a few 5's and a few 4's im pretty happy with what i have! Matty XB, how in the world did you come across so many protos? there is no way one proto got over to michigan without a collecter grinning his head off.

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I believe I'm at 458 - including Sears and international label/title variations. My list, always up-to-date, can be found by clicking on the link below and clicking on the Atari 2600 games link.

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