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How many 2600 games do you have?


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Very impressive!!! Some of your collections must look awesome! Like a wall of Atari games!


I'm just a light hitter though at 31 carts, all pretty common games, except for Star Wars. I have the books and boxes for a few them.


Can't wait to get to 50!

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I`m up to 276 unique titles (in other words, not counting Sears versions, but counting Bobby is Going Home and Booby geht Heim as two seperate titles), and that includes compilation carts as 1 each - i.e. the 32-in-1 is one title, not 32. No complete company collections to speak of yet (I have Epyx complete!) but I`m nearly there on Activision, Parker Bros and Telesys - just need a StarGunner.


I have most of them along the top of the fireplace in the sitting room - greating talking point. Maybe AtariAge should have a section for uploading photos of people's collections? That'd be cool....

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238 unique US-released original cartridges

4 Starpath cassettes

17 Sears versions of Atari games

2 Atari rereleases of Coleco games

21 imports

4 homebrews/hacks

many duplicates


So, anywhere between 238 and 286 depending on how you count it.

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I guess I have about 75 Atari cartridges in total, about 8 of them are duplicates. I have about 30 Colecovision carts. Small potatoes really. My rarest is Gremlins. I also have about 2 5's (Rampage and either laser volley or dragontreasure, I forget which one is the 5) and about 5 4's. the rest are 1's 2's and 3's .

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188 unique carts and counting.


175 loose carts and 13 boxed/complete carts.


I will have more coming..about 10-12 more games coming soon.


I might have a few label variations but I will sort through so that I keep the label variations that are worth the most.

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On another note, seeing that I have many Sears labels, I might start a subset of Sears labels. This means that instead of trying to sell my Sears variations on EBay, that I might just keep them as a subset. I dunno. I prefer to keep the labels that are worth more.


I had to choose between Atari pic label Defender and Sears pic label Defender. I chose the Sears version because it's slightly less common.


I prefer it this way.


My case for 2600 games is nearly full. I'll need to find a huge shelf unit for all my games someday.

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I don't have that many boxes (heck I remember when I threw out about 30 boxes in 1995 because I needed room in my apartment). But I do have a few nice ones--Waterworld with the box and comic (missing the instructions though--anyone want to sell me some?). And I have a few coming my way from ebay.

Got a great score the other day--found "Z-Tack" by Bomb--one of the rarest games in existence--for $11 at a local shop. Suh-weeeet!

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Probably a little over 100 with about 40-50 Intellivision games and scattered games for the 5200, 7800, and Colecovision thrown in.


I suppose the key is that I have most of the games I want to play and that is what is most important! :wink:


Though I would like to have River Raid for the Intellivision...

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I have 196 games for the 2600 right now...about 15 are boxed.


I will keep going past 200. You can't say that you're hardcore if you're not willing to keep going.


My next collection to tackle and conquer? Imagic for the 2600. I would LOVE to have all those games boxed. I might have to settle for a loose complete collection though.

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Well I thought about concentrating on an addition to my collection but I want to focus on unique carts and if I do collect label variations, I usually go after the ones with a higher rarity ranking.

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Sounds awesome.


I never really expected to be hoarding so many carts.


As I may have mentioned before, it's a SICKNESS! LOL.


My family is still pretty naive to how many video games. I told my mum that I had over 400 total. Her eyes nearly popped out of her socket!


I took some pics of my collection with a disposable camera. I'm going to get the prints on CD so I can transfer it to here.

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I now have, I believe 151 unique titles, 147 unique games ( for example, "Super Challenge Baseball" as opposed to "Baseball"), and about 25 label variations. I think I have only about 12 boxes for the 2600. I also have at least 30 dupes.


I don't actively collect variations or boxes. If I see a boxed game or a variation of something I already have I usually won't buy it unless it's dirt cheap or I think I can trade it off.


I like to display my games in the interlocking cartridge holders, both MusicMate and the Atari ones that hold 14. It's nice to have them out where I can get at them easily. I finally have enough of these to put all my games in, but probably not for long. Maybe when I get home I'll post a photo of my Atari pyramid.

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