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Good source for HDD adapted demos?

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45 minutes ago, ParanoidLittleMan said:

I have it on mediafire. My goodness will happen once you do something what should do already, month ago.


If you are referring to paying for your driver, I have tried to pay you via paypal THREE times. Each time the payment was refunded for the reasons you are experiencing some problem with the paypal payments. Then, I offered to pay you via "snail mail" (sending you a payment via normal mail) but you never provided me with a shipping address to do so. Then you recommended "bank transfer" which I am not willing to do, sorry. I don't do bank transfers in fear of my information being compromised which has happened in the past.


Then, you sent me a somewhat rude email stating that "I guess you don't want to do it" regarding Transferwise. I didn't get a previous email from you regarding this, but I replied to you recently (3/5):



"I am sorry Peter, I did not see your last email. I receive a lot of email so I assume it got buried.I can try Transferwise. I set up an account just now and started the process just to see how it works. When I choose to pay you 17 EURO, it asks for your address for legal reasons. Certainly not nearly as simple as Paypal, but I understand your problem. If you can supply your address for me I will try this again later this evening when I get home from work."


And, NO response to that email. Trust me, I am not out to stiff you for twenty bucks buddy. I have been trying to pay you since January. You are making that very hard to do!


Bottom line is that I have no problem with you and I appreciate your work. I want to pay you and am trying to do so. Can you please answer my email and provide your shipping address so that I can use Transferwise and send you this payment once AGAIN?


I have a pretty good reputation here on AtariAge and I think there are others that can attest to that and speak for my integrity. Simply the fact that I already send you the payment multiple times should give you an inkling of an idea that...I don't know...I want to pay you? 


I just think we have a bit of a communication issue here.

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Well, it was clearly said that PayPal works not for me, so it was not about do I like them or not, but that they became useless, and on top of it they nothing of submissions asked data, documents worked at all. Finally I had even problems with logging in - sms code was rejected usually. And nicest thing is that I even can not cancel my f*ing account at PayPal.


Sorry 8bit, but you talked first about not transfer to Hungarian bank. Then not using bank transfer at all. Yes, later is not so good in many cases, and reason is in 99% cases high fee. That's why PayPal and transferwise are popular.  There were some problems with e-mails too. Snail mail money sending just looks for me as not good idea. If you want it safe, mail fee will be same as bank transfer fee.  I hope that we will finally resolve this thing and talking about more Atari related things ?

I will later add some things in my PayPal thread here, better said really miserable experiences.

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I think we have it resolved my friend. I just used transferwise. Not easy as it would not take my paypal debit for some reason...but I had to use my bank debit. Hopefully we are OK now ;)


I apologize for going off with this, but I am very protective of my reputation ;)

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1 minute ago, ParanoidLittleMan said:

Thanx, arrived instantly.


Demos are on second partition.




I am really glad you finally got it Peter. I do appreciate you work and it has been eating at me that I could not get that payment to you. I used your driver for the first time today and it worked out great. Super easy and I had a lot of Atari ST fun ;)

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