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Galaxian-just plain classic

King Atari

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This game just replaced Phoenix as my favorite game of the type on the 2600. Even with that weird orange border, the game plays so well, and fast. IMO, it puts Space Invaders to shame, but that's just me. When you die, you even get that cool multi-colored Galaxian screen. The arcade was great, the 2600 version is great, a great game all around.


Now, time to go play it on my PSX :D .

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Both versions are my faves! But i think i like the 2600 version better just cuz its a tad easier and doesnt have those really annoying sound effects! Does anyone else turn the volume down when play 5200 galaxian? LOL


But yes, 2600 Galaxian kicks major booty!

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I just can't get the hang of Galaxian. I too, enjoy Galaga more! I'm waiting to get the arcade game now! lol


On a side note... I used to kick ass on Galaxian when it came to the little tabletop game that Coleco made in the 80s! I just recently was able to get my hands on one thanks to a great trade on this site! Can't wait to see it!


Eric DeLee

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As far as I know... the only Galaga on the 2600 IS the river raid hack. There is a Galaga game for 7800... but I haven't played it.


It would be cool if someone could make a galaga game out of the Galaxian hardware... but I think it would be a little hard.


I'm not sure if the boss ship capturing your ship or earning a double ship would be possible. Maybe... but not for the likes of me to give it a try! lol I'd rather spend my time doing overtime at work to make sure I can pick up a Galaga at one of the next auctions or something! OR... maybe stretch and get one of those new ones in a year or two!

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But i think i like the 2600 version better just cuz its a tad easier and doesnt have those really annoying sound effects!  Does anyone else turn the volume down when play 5200 galaxian?


I like the audio on 5200 Galaxian, especially the falling pitch as the Galaxians descend.

If the 5200 version's "diving" sound effect is anything like the 800's...ouch!

* covers bleeding ears

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Galaxian 's great, love that trippy rainbow title screen :D


In the slide and shoot genre Galaxian and Carnival are tied at #1 for me, then Phoenix and Demon Attack, the way the bugs (demons?) warp in is so cool. The way they jitter about can get pretty frustrating though :x

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Galaga is mabe better, But I love Galaxion more.


It's more mysterious to me, and has more of a flow and ryhtm to it.


I just played the original the other night, it's awsome, completely different playbility to later shoot em ups cos timing on the shots is crucial to success.


And very difficult too. And has quite a few versions (hacks).

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I remember at 15 I saw a junkie type guy play it (Galaxian) and patiantly waiting for each ship to attack before he shoots it, both for score and for maximum playing time, I suppose.


It can be quite a laidback game at times.

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patiantly waiting for each ship to attack before he shoots it, both for score and for maximum playing time, I suppose.


I do much better that way (in the 2600 version anyway) try it it's a good strategy


it gets pretty intense after a while though

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I got this one for xmas 198?, i didnt care about the yellow border or pal issues back then and loved it. I also go the best of hot chocolate, u can imagine which i was more exited about.


Every 1's winner, you sexy thing! :D Of course, after those 2 songs what else do you put on a "Best of"


My preference is still Phoenix. I still love that game. One of my faves from the 2600 silver era.



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My preference is still Phoenix. I still love that game. One of my faves from the 2600 silver era.


I also prefer Phoenix over Galaxian. I actually owned a Phoenix arcade game for a while, as it's one I used to play considerably in the arcades and I had an opportunity to buy onef or around $100 once. :)



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I have to vote for Phoenix in the arcade but Galaxian on the 2600. Too bad the game came out after no one in the arcades cared about Galaxian anymore.


My favorite slide-n-shoot was Centuri's Challenger. Atari bought the rights along with Phoenix and Vanguard but nothing came of it.

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My favorite slide-n-shoot was Centuri's Challenger. Atari bought the rights along with Phoenix and Vanguard but nothing came of it.


Never played Challenger, and it's hard to get a feel for what the game is like by the screenshots and description posted at the above link. So Atari bought the rights to Challenger to produce titles for their consoles? At least they did eke out Phoenix and Vanguard. :)



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When Atari nabbed the Centuri games right from under Coleco's nose (Phoenix, Vanguard, and Challenger are listed in early Coleco ads), they also picked up Round Up and announced all 4 releases for the 2600.


Challenger plays very well in MAME, I think its complexity is really more suited for the 5200. It would have been a hit.

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I just played Challenger a bit, it's a pretty weird game, fun though.

my favorite arcade slide-n-shoot is definately the ever popular Galaga

on the 2600 though Galaxian rocks, you have to play it a while to appreciate it, Phoenix is good too, especially the birds stage

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