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Getting out of game console collecting


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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to say that I am getting out of collecting and wanted to say that I have enjoyed talking to everyone on these boards.

I don't think I go more than a day most of the times without coming into the forums and reading all of the posts. I have never met any of you, but I consider you friends.

I am sure that I will be stopping by and still reading the posts.

Although I am not collecting anymore does not mean I will quit being a fan of Atari and classic gaming.

I am actually going to move into Arcade Games. I recently purchased my first one. "Asteroids"

Anyway, I will be piecing out my collection over the next few weeks and months so look out for some nice items coming up.

If anyone is looking for anything in particular, send me an email at apatti@cox.net and I will let you know if I have what you want.


Take Care.


Angelo Patti

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Cool, the Scramble cab should come in very handy, you can swap in other cool konami connector type boards, I've got Time Pilot, Gyruss, Super Cobra, Mega Zone and Scramble boards that I swap in and out of my Scramble cab, you should definately pick up a Time Pilot board, very fun, and cheap, I see em go for 20-30 on ebay


is your Space Invaders fully working? they seem to be pretty rare in good condition these days


Thats a damn good start to a collection, as a hobby it can start to take up an awful lot of space :ponder:


I'd like to find me a good Tempest :)

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