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Random-free 2600 games. List 'em here.

Random Terrain

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And I think it's easier to make a list of games without any randomness (like Pitfall!).


As Thomas Jentzsch suggested, for the fun of it, list any games you can think of which have no randomness such as Pitfall, Dragster and Grand Prix. I wonder how long this list will be.

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GruBBworM might be confused because when you mess up and try again, it's the same pattern as before. It's random and then it's not until the next "level." I would have noticed if it was always the same because that kind of thing dives me crazy(er).

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i am thinking breakout, super breakout, video olympics because the ball only goes where you hit it to. All racing games on the 2600 seem pretty non random, same track and you arent really racing against anybody.


What about Berzerk not sure about this one. One Screen games like Pac-Man, Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatos are also debatable because IF you were able to do the EXACT same thing every time i beleive the computer would behave the same way.


That is what i beleive determines a games random-ness. because other things may seem random, but it is actually just behaving differently to the way you control it.

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i am thinking breakout, super breakout, video olympics because the ball only goes where you hit it to.

Ball release angle is random.


What about Berzerk not sure about this one.

Muy mucho random.

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It seems to me most of the timed activision titles don't have randomness.  These come to mind:


Laser Blast





in barnstorming most of the games are non random but on 1 of them it is


alot of games it's difficult to tell whether they use randomness or not, as it is hard to make exactly the same moves in succesive games

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River Raid.  Totally non-random.

Yes and no (like Pitfall!). :)


All terains and enemy objects a generated by a pseudo-random generator.


There is no real randomnes on any 2600 game (or any computer), but sometimes it's more and sometimes less predictable.


River Raid and Pitfall remember the state of the random-number generator so when you die, if will start at the same point as before. So those games are 100% predicatable.


Other games simply generate random number for various things, but don't reset the generator. And some even mix some player reactions into the random number generation to make it even more unpredictable.

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There is no real randomnes on any 2600 game (or any computer), but sometimes it's more and sometimes less predictable.

This is only true for algorithmic random number generation. There exist hardware devices that provide true random numbers. In any case, the point of the discussion is perceptual randomness, not mathematical randomness. If the pseudorandom set is pseudorandomly seeded, and sufficiently large that the pattern can't be discerned by a human player, then it is, for all practical purposes, random.


Some interesting "random" readings--



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