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Atari Mega ST2 Video Output Conversion


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Hi everyone,


I recently dug out my dad's old NTSC Mega ST2 and the first thing I did was buy a game for it, Dungeon Master.

The only issue is my dad only has the monochrome monitor which makes the game impossible to run as the graphics become garbled.


I am wondering if anyone has a procedure on how to make my own RGB output connector for the computer, or any other video out if you know it works for the Mega line of ST.


The issue is the machine only has a proprietary 13 pin DIN video output. I emailed David The 8-Bit Guy and he said the best way to fix this was finding a color monitor which is easier said than done, especially living in the US. The machine does not have a modulator which leads me to believe I won't be able to get composite video out of it either.


I searched high and low looking for a third party connector and couldn't find a single thing. All of the ones I did find were not for the Mega machines, only the regular ST.

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Finding such 13 pin DIN connector is not easy. But it can be made with little skill - and must not have all 13 lines.

Monitor is the real question. You need monitor with RGB input, what can handle 60 Hz video with low horizontal freq. Only some VGA monitors are capable for that - look threads here about which ...

From your post don't see what you have currently.

Other solution is to get some scan converter what will convert Mega ST RGB NTSC signal to VGA compatible (or HDMI now) signal, so can connect to some newer monitor.


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On 4/10/2020 at 3:11 PM, snarkdluG said:

The 13 pin RGB out is the same on regular ST as it is on the Mega. 

Sorry for the late reply, but don't the regular ST use composite out? In which case plugging in the cable into my Mega would only give me a white screen if this thread is anything to go off of:


I know he's connecting to SCART but it would be the same if it were an RGB cable like I'd use.


Also, I managed to find this 13 pin DIN to VGA adapter but it's only for multisync monitors which, in that case, I might as well just buy an original color monitor.


Edited by Mike_
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Currently On My Wishlist:

OSSC Open Source Scan Converter 1.6 with SCART Component VGA to HDMI for Retro Gaming - Kaico Edition


Looking for the absolute best way to get the most from your Retro Consoles on a modern TV via HDMI – Then look no further…..

It’s finally here! The OSSC adaptor is the ultimate lag-free retro gaming line doubler and processor. Now there’s an affordable way to use your retro consoles on your PC monitor or TV in perfect quality.

No bad upscaling, no interlacing artefacts, no high input lag, the OSSC is a dream for retro gamers and collectors!

Sounds Too Good To Be True.

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I bought an OSSC from an Amazon seller and it was indeed too good to be true.  I was sent an old, clearly used unit that the seller was trying to get rid of.  It got returned.


Most people buy them from videogameperfection, but by the time you add in the costs of the PSU, remote, overlay, etc... it's cheaper just to buy one from eBay.  This is the seller I bought mine from.  It's the exact same unit that VGP sells, but everything is included at one price.


FWIW, the 15KHz video signal from the ST is a big problem these days, being too slow for most LCD monitors and TVs to recognize. The OSSC does a very good job of converting the video signal into something modern displays can handle.  I think a retrotink would work as well, but I really like the 5X line doubling capacity of the OSSC.  Your only real options are to either buy an old Atari SC 1224 monitor or find an upscaler (OSSC, retrotink, etc...) that works with the 15KHz video signal.

Edited by Colleton
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As a long time Atari and Amiga [boo/hiss] user, I think I've used about one of everything mentioned in this thread and then some.  


NEC1970VX works great in ST High, Low, Med, but ST Medium has some blurriness especially on text.  Can be had WHEN they show up for under $100.


Dell 2001FP (must be pre-June 2005 manufacture) which have S-Video, Composite, VGA and DVI - a very versatile monitor BUT it forgets the screen position frequently and you'll be making adjustments often.  I found a seller on eBay that could guarantee manufacture dates and I picked up four of them last year for $25 ea delivered.


OSSC it does work well, but I think it was a waste of money.  It is nice to have the ability to output to HDMI for the future though so I'll be keeping it.  I do like the scan line emulation on it and it allows for many types of input.


As much as it pains me to say, get the Best Electronics cable.  It does all three modes.  I had an unfortunate experience with Bradley the owner.  I've made several trouble free purchases from him over the years but on my last purchase, I changed my order and he permanently-banned me.  I'm not on here to bad-mouth him, I'm just saying to tread lightly.  You'll find that his website is hard to navigate and you're forced to correspond via email for prices and in-stock queries and he gets testy if you change what you want even pre-shipment.  So, know what you want before attempting to order and for gods sake don't say you don't want the $70+ dollar TOS 2.06 ROMS. ?


Lastly, I recently acquired an Asus VP247 "gaming" monitor.  It was relatively cheap ($150ish) has HDMI and VGA and on-board speakers.  It syncs to every Atari I've thrown at it: ST, STe, Mega ST, Mega STe (Low, Med, High) and Falcon VGA&RGB.  It has the crispest picture and required nothing but a cable from the machine to the monitor.  Its even clearer direct connect than through the OSSC to HDMI.  It took some fiddling but I've even been able to get it into 4:3 aspect through direct connect to its VGA port.

Edited by swatcop
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