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Mega STE and Ultra Satan


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I have a Mega STE, 4 mb, 40 HD,TOS 2.05.  It is in good working order with the internal HD.  I have a 16gb Sandisk Msd in CF converter formatted in ICD HD formatting program.  I installed the demo10 of the HDDriver, re configured the card slots on the Ultra Satan to 1 & 2.  For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the Ultra Satan to boot with the Mega STE.  In the default configuration it works on my 1040STE.   I get I may be going at it the wrong way as this is the Demo.  Q - Is the paid Driver license per User or Machine?  @ParanoidLittleMan.   


My buddy with a TT and a Falcon suggested it unsolicited.


Thank you for any input. 

Edited by Bee
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License is per user - so you can install it on all your Ataris.

Btw. you need to set proper Target IDs for 2 slots of UltraSatan - and they must differ from ID of internal disk/adapter (what is usually 0). And UltraSatan is 0,1 by default.

To do it need to remove internal drive, or change ID of it with DIP switch in adapter board.   And of course, I recommend to go on TOS/DOS compatible partitioning.

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For Perspective - 
SW1 should be for ID
ID 0:  1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=OFF
ID 1:  1=ON , 2=OFF, 3=OFF
ID 2:  1=OFF, 2=ON , 3=OFF
ID 3:  1=ON , 2=ON , 3=OFF
ID 4:  1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=ON
ID 5:  1=ON , 2=OFF, 3=ON
ID 6:  1=OFF, 2=ON , 3=ON
ID 7:  1=ON , 2=ON , 3=ON
Thanks @snarkdluG
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